DC US History Timeline

  • Apr 10, 711


    Reconquista is known is known to be holy wars between the Muslims ad Christians. In result this put the iberian under Catolic control oncce again. These wars led to the Portugese and Spanish imperialistic time.
  • Jan 7, 1439

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann was the man that invented the printing press. This is important to colonization simply becasue this alloweed peope to be updated on events going on around them.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Torsedillas

    Agreement to settle conflict between Portugal and Spain to settle conflict over newly found land. This gave these two countries an oppertunity to colonize.
  • Nov 10, 1503

    Encomienda System

    A system in which the government gave colonists slaves, and in exchange the promis that they would convert them to Christiians.
    This led to the dependecy of slavery for the colonist.
  • Sep 8, 1513

    Protesant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation was the religious and cultural uprising started by King Henry VIII's desire to have a son. Because the church did not allow him to have a divorce, he then created the Catholic Church, later resulting in the modern era.
  • May 11, 1530

    Sebastian Cabot

    Son of John Cabot, he sailed west from Bristol hoping to find a shorter route to Asia. He also was an experienced Italian seafarer who came to live in England during the reign of Henry VII.
  • Sep 8, 1535


    Jacques Cartier settled Quebec on his second trip to America and he also was the first man to spend a winter there. Although he did not find the road to India, he did find tobacco hich would led to tobacco farms.
  • Richard Haklyut

    Richard was a writer that provides almost everything known about the early English voyages to North America.
  • Roanoke

    The colony was an attempt by Queen Elizabeth I to make a permanent English settlement. This colony failed due to lack of supplies and shows the uncertainiy of countries in Europoe in the time being.
  • Jamestown

    Thi colony was founded in belief that if you were to go there you would become ritch from minerals. The House of Burgesses was held here also Edwyn Sandys was associated with this colony.
  • Slave Trade

    The slave trade was a time when slavery was legal in most parts of the colnies. This is an imortant part to colonization, becasue slavery was the cause of the Civil War.
  • Plymouth

    Founded by the Pilgrims, the Mayflower Compact was incorparted with this colony. William Bradford served as govenor for five years.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire was founded by John Mason and was started as a part of the Massachusetts Bay. It became a seperate colony in 1677.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Puritans created the colony in order to pracice freedom of religion. Joinst stock was pratically the foundation of England finacing settlements.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was important because it led to Catholicism in the colonies. This colony was founded by Lord Baltimore.
  • Connecticut

    Founded because settlers were looking for more freedom and finicial oppertunities. Associated with Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
  • Rhode Island

    Both Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were banned from the colony to England. Both because they were disrespecting the church.
  • South Carolina

    Because of financial problems South Carolina was formed by a royal charter out of south Virginia. More Revolutionary War battles were fought in this colony than any other colony.
  • New York

    The Duke of York gained control of New Netherland which was renamed to New York in his honor.The Albany Congress united the colonys for defense against the Iroquois Indians
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    This eventoccured in Jamestown aimed at the governer , William Berkely. This was because Berkely failed to maintain safety against the native americans. It resulted in the death of many colonists.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a place of liberty. freedom form persectution, and no taxation without representation.
  • English Bill of Rights of 1689

    This document was made due to the revolution and abuse of written documents.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was forst established to discourage Spanish expansion restrictions on drinking and slavery made the colony unappling to settlers, and even after the restrictions were removed, very few people settled here.
  • French and Indian War

    Fought by French and English over who would have control over the Ohio River Valley, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River. It was won by England in 1763.
  • Sugar Act

    Revised duties on sugar and led to the Tea Act.
  • Stamp Act

    Printed documents required staamps that are taxed. Led to the stamp act congress.
  • Quatering Act

    If needed colonists had to supply British troops with housing etc... This led to protest in the Colonail Assemblies.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Intercolonial gathering to discuss common problems.
  • Declatory Act

    Parliament declares its soveriengty over the colonies and it ended the Stamp Act.
  • Boston Massacre

    European soldiers shot five innocent American colonists due to chaos and confusion of a crowd.
  • Tea Act

    Gave East India Comp right to sell teac directly to americans and led to the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colponists dressed up as Mohawk Indians dumped over tea into the sea that was imported from Great Britian.
  • Intolerble Act

    Clossed the port of Boston and stopped trade between Europe and America.
  • Common Sense

    Essay that stated that America can lie without a Kings rule and at the same time win the war. This document led to congress voting for Independence.
  • First Continental Congress

    A gathering in Philidelphia held to gain control, leading to congress taking control of the war.
  • Shot Heard Round the World

    Colonists fired at red coats discharging a volley leaving 8 americans dead. This initiated the start of the American Revolution!
  • Lexigton and Concord

    British troops were sent to gather colonial weapons aand they ran into a militia.This battle gives the colonists the confidence to win the upocoming war,
  • Second Continental Congress

    This congress was held far the same reason as the first and yet again led to control of the war.
  • Prohibitory Act

    Declares British intention to coerce Americans into submission and drove Continental Congress closer to the decision for independence.
  • Townshed Revenue Acts

    New duties over multiple products and stopped the British from importing goods to the colonies.
  • Trenton

    Washington sneak attacked after crossing the Deleware River. This inspired the rebels in the colonies.
  • Germantown

    British victory ensured that Philidelphia was theirs throughout the winter of 1777-1778.
  • Saratoga

    British went up Champaign Valley hopig to find allies but instead found their enemies. Marked the climax of the war after a victory on the American side.
  • Yorktown

    This long and enduring battle marked the end of the war after the Americans took the victory.