Day Of Mourning

  • Terra Nullius

    Terra Nullius
    Australia was declared Terra Nullius, which means ‘Nobody’s Land’. This meant that the land of Australia belonged to no one discrediting the Indigenous peoples who’ve been there for generations.
  • White Australia Policy

    White Australia Policy
    The white Australia policy was a law that forbid all non-Europeans to enter the country of Australia in efforts to create a complete white society.
  • Aborigine’s progressive association founded

    Aborigine’s progressive association founded
    Jack Patten, Bill Ferguson as secretary along with William Cooper had formed this group with three aims: to get Aboriginal Australians full citizenship rights, to get Aboriginal representation in the Parliament and lastly to stop the New South Wales Aborigines’ Protection Board.
  • Assimilation Policy

    Assimilation Policy
    The assimilation policy was a way to get the Aboriginal Australians to into white society, this came through methods such as taking their children from them and placing them into white families.
  • 1938 Day of Mourning Protest

    1938 Day of Mourning Protest
    The Day of Mourning was a protest held by Aboriginal Australians due to the event that took place on January 26th, 1788, when Captain Arthur Philip took the land in New South Wales from the indigenous.
  • Meeting with Prime minister

    Meeting with Prime minister
    After the day of Mourning a meeting was held with the Prime Minister where they agreed to receive a deputation of the delegates. This meeting lead onto major reforms and eventually to the 1967 referendum.
  • Australian Referendum

    Australian Referendum
    The referendum allowed the counting of Aboriginal people in the national census and allowed commonwealth to tule over state for them.
  • NAIDOC formed

    NAIDOC formed
    National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADIOC) a committee to support Aboriginal Australians was formed, it had support from multiple Aboriginal groups, state and federal government as well as a plethora of church groups.
  • National celebrations by NAIDOC

    National celebrations by NAIDOC
    The NAIDOC week is a week which is put in place to raise awareness on Aboriginal and Islander peoples and their history, culture and achievements.
  • National Sorry Speech

    National Sorry Speech
    Kevin Rudd, Australia’s prime minister at the time made a speech apologizing to Indigenous people especially at the stolen generation which started national sorry day, on May 26th each year.