Graduated Pre-School
I still remember how fun school was. I loved snack time, recess, and singing songs. I hated nap time, but I'm sure that the teacher loved it! I was completely engaged in school and in learning. This is an important event because it is where my love for education truly began. Plus, Mrs. Hubeneigs outfits were the coolest! She was totally Mrs. Frizzle. -
My First Fishing Trip
My dad always ingrained in me the importance of school. He never finished university, because he felt it was not engaging or meaningful. He told me that no matter what, I need to get a piece of paper (degree). He also taught me that education is not only about school, but experiences too. My second important educational moment is when my dad took me on my first fishing trip and I caught my first fish. I learned more in those three days that I did in a whole month at school. -
Grade 10- I Officially Hate School
I honestly loved school all the way until the end of grade 9. I am not even sure what happened, but I hated it! If it wasn't for all of my friends and school sports, I don't think I would've been successful. I felt like the stuff we were learning had no impact on me at all, and I also started to grow a mentality that I knew more than my teachers. I know a lot of kids go through this faze, but it is an important educational moment for me, because it reminds me that a lot of kids are like that. -
Grade 12 Graduation Day
I still hate school, but my dad's voice was always in my head. "Get that piece of paper." Although my grades in grade 10 and 11 weren't anything to write home about, I turned it on in grade 12 so that I could get into university. I still didn't have that love for education back. I saw university as a means to and end, so I planned to get into the "easiest" program; Education. I didn't have to take a second language, I didn't need a math course. Smooth sailing... so I thought. -
Education Graduation Day
I finally made it. I made it through powerpoints, textbooks, and to be quite honest, some of the most inauthentic learning I could have imagined. University was even less engaging than High School. At least there were bars on campus. There was one saving grace however; I loved student teaching! I loved being able to engage students in ways that they hadn't been before. I loved roll playing, cooperative learning, and PBL projects. I was fired up to teach because of my practicums. -
City U Masters Program
I heard a lot of great things about City U's Masters in Leadership program. Everyone that had taken the program told me that they loved the cohort model, and that most of the classes were relevant to their positions in admin. As an aspiring administrator, this ended up being the perfect combination for me. My wife is doing hers too and it has been nice to have the partnership and comradery at home as well. The most important thing that I have learned is that it is not about the piece of paper.