• David's first days at Day care: Trust vs. Mistrust

    David's first days at Day care: Trust vs. Mistrust
    David at six moths was placed in a day care where he felt well cared for and loved. in Erikson's first stage,Trust vs. mistrust. The crisis is between feeling safe and loved creating a bond with caregivers (trust) and feeling left out and unloved by new care-providers creating a sense of fear, (mistrust).
  • David's early childhood: Initiative versus Guilt

    David's early childhood: Initiative versus Guilt
    David is a boy full of energy and a big imagination. At this young age, he needs rules that may need to be explained in simple words and guidance to help him feel more confidence in himself.
    In Erikson's third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between being encouraged to be more independent and praising him when doing good (initiative) or discouraged and shamed making him feel (guilty).