David bloor 43304ce7 1972 4511 9f9c 865ac2de75e resize 750

David Bloor

  • Early life

    Early life
    David Bloor was born in 1942 in Derby, England.
  • Keele University

    He began his university studies in 1960 at the University of Keele, where he pursued philosophy and mathematics.
  • College life.

    College life.
    Upon completing his first undergraduate, he proceeded to The University of Cambridge. There, he studied experimental psychology and was awarded a degree in psychology.
  • PHD

    In 1972, Bloor was awarded his PHD from the University of Edinburgh after presenting his thesis "speech and the regulation of behaviour."
  • First Book

    First Book
    Boor published his first book, 'Knowledge and Social Imagery" in 1976. the book was one of the significant texts of the "strong program." the program aimed at questioning why scientific knowledge was regarded as accurate without much scrutiny.
  • Wittgenstein

    In 1983, Boor published "Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge." (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-349-17273-3). Here, he presented a commentary on Wittgenstein's work regarding society vs. the individual.
  • Contributions

    David Bloor has significantly contributed to the scientific and sociology world throughout his career and life.