Dates of Important Events in The Church History

By 083022
  • 476

    The Middle Ages

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammed

  • 800

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The Crusades

  • 1099

    Crusades capture Jerusalem

  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

  • Period: 1340 to 1348

    The Black Death

  • 1380

    Catherine of Siena begins her "Letters"

  • 1431

    Joan of Arc Burned at Stake

  • Period: 1491 to 1556

    Ignatius Loyola founded the jesuits

  • 1517

    Martin Luther post his 95 theses

  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation