Black American dream(1492-2008)

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
  • abolition of slavery in America

    abolition of slavery in America
    abolition of slavery in America by Lincoln
  • Beginnig of Ku Klux Klan

    Beginnig of Ku Klux Klan
    its white supremacist organisation against the blacks people
  • Beginning of racial segregation in America

    Beginning of racial segregation in America
    The beginning of racial segregation in America following the American Civil War
  • Arrest of Rosa Parks

    Arrest of Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was arrest because she didn't want to leave her place has a white people
  • Famous speech of Martin Luther king "I have a dream"

    Famous speech of Martin Luther king "I have a dream"
    "I have a dream" speech by Martin Luther king in front of Lincoln Memorial in Washington during the walk for the liberty.
  • Dead of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    Dead of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
    Kennedy had to help Martin Luther King againt racial segregation that was the reason for his death
  • End of the American segregation

    End of the American segregation
    the end progressive of the American segregation starting in 1960 and finish in 1967
  • Dead of Martin Luther King

    Dead of Martin Luther King
    Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis by sniper
  • Barack Obama first black president in America

    Barack Obama first black president in America
    Election of Barack Obama to the American presidential