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BAU Darlington Facility Timeline

  • Felix Founds The LFoA at Darlington Facility

    Felix Founds The LFoA at Darlington Facility
    No known picture of Felix
  • Caroline Carver Begins Working

    Caroline Carver Begins Working
    Caroline has been with the Darlington LFOA facility since our founding and was part of the creation of LFoA itself. A Baltimore native, Caroline holds two degrees, a doctorate in psychiatry from the University of Maryland and a master’s in art therapy from the Maryland Institute College of Art. Influenced by her work with Baltimore’s at-risk youth, Caroline saw first hand the value that art has in approaching depression, anxiety, and trauma, and used her knowledge and experience to help LFoA ...
  • Darlington Facility Opens

  • Jacob Nilson Begins Volunteering

    Jacob Nilson Begins Volunteering
    Starts as volunteer and soon moves to an employee. Possible discourse between Jacob and George Madson.
  • Lloyd McGowan Transferred To Darlington

    Lloyd McGowan Transferred To Darlington
    Lloyd McGowan transferred to Darlington facility from L.F. O'Brien Asylum
  • George Madson Begins Working

    George Madson Begins Working
    Begins working for this facility
  • Aaron de Vaille Begins Working

    Aaron de Vaille Begins Working
    Begins working at this facility
  • Aaron de Vaille Transfers To Colorado Springs Facility

    Aaron de Vaille Transfers To Colorado Springs Facility
    Transfers to Colorado Springs Facility to head the custodial department