Daou Brief History of Gifted Education

By ladaou
  • William Torrey Harris

    William Torrey Harris
    In 1868, the earliest efforts to instutitute gifted education in public schools. Source: nagc.org
  • Galton

    Sir Francis Galton studies eugenics and publishes several papers, most importantly for gifted education, he publishes Hereditary Genius. Galton uses statistics to understand that giftedess is an inherited trait. Source: nagc.org and Galton.org
  • Binet and Simon

    Binet and Simon
    In France, researchers, Binet and Simon, advance psychological testing, developing tests which determine intelligence via a numerical value. The basics of these tests are still used today in understanding intelligence via psychological testing. Source: nagc.org and psychology.about.com
  • Lewis Terman

    Lewis Terman
    Lewis Terman took the Binet-Simon Scale, used a sample of American participants and publishes the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Lewis Terman is considered the "father" of gifted movement. Souce: nagc.org and psychology.about.com
  • Leta Hollingworth

    Leta Hollingworth
    In 1926, Leta Hollingworth is the first to identify gifted students and seeks to educate them to further develop their studies and talents. She establishes the Special Opportunity Class in New York for gifted students. Source: nagc.org and www2.webster.edu
  • National Association for Gifted Children

    National Association for Gifted Children
    The National Association for Gifted Children is establised. This milestone provides an agency for advocacy for gifted learners.