Ellis island

Daniela Napoli: An Ellis Island Immigrant's Story

  • Daniela is Born (Milan, Italy)

    Daniela is Born (Milan, Italy)
    Today I,Daniela Napoli,was born.I lived with my parents in Milan,Italy,until I was 4 when they died in a car crash.I lived the rest of my childhood with my grandparents.My grandpa owned a pizza shop which was very popular with tourists,so it earned him a lot of money.We lived a very happy life until my grandpa died.I moved to America soon after the death of my grandpa to provide for my grandmother and to gain religious freedom.I’m writing this to show you how hard it was to form the melting pot.
  • Hardships in Italy (Ferrara, Italy)

    Hardships in Italy (Ferrara, Italy)
    Today my grandpa died of a heart attack.My grandma was frail and I knew that I needed to get a job to provide for her,as they had provided for me for 30 years.I knew that I should move to America because the pay there was greater than the pay in Italy.I knew it would be dangerous and scary,but I had to do it for my grandmother.Moving to America would also give me the freedom to practice Christianity.The trip to America was very costly,but I used the money Grandpa left. I began packing.
  • The Journey to America (Atlantic Ocean on the Ship)

    The Journey to America (Atlantic Ocean on the Ship)
    On this day,I boarded the steamship that would take me to America.I traveled by train from Ferrara to the coast where there was a harbor.I was in first class because my grandma gave me extra money to make the trip easier for me.I ate very good food on the ship,not like grandpa’s pizza though.I also made a few friends on the way to America.One was a young man looking to go to college,while another was an older woman about to see her husband for the first time in 6 years.Slowly,time passed.
  • The First Sign of Freedom (The Statue of Liberty)

    The First Sign of Freedom (The Statue of Liberty)
    Today marked an unexpected destination for me.I was at Ellis Island on this day getting examined for Trachoma,a eye disease.2 days before this day,since I was in 1st class I got my examination done on the ship.I wouldn’t have had to go to Ellis Island,but unfortunately the inspectors thought I had Trachoma,so they sent me to Ellis Island.At this second examination they realized that I didn’t have the eye disease.I was a little angry,as this had wasted 2 days of my new life.Now I could start my n
  • Ellis Island (Ellis Island)

    Ellis Island (Ellis Island)
    In my memory this day is the clearest.I rose with the sun on this day and saw the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.A statue that symbolized I was almost free.Lady Liberty symbolized freedom and the beginning of my new life.After a minute of gazing at the beauty,I began crying tears of joy,all I’d ever wanted was freedom,and then I‘d seen it for the first time.I then got down on my knees,clasped my hands together,and bowed my head.I prayed to God and thanked him for giving me a safe journey.
  • Loving Life, at Last (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

    Loving Life, at Last (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
    Today is the day that all of America’s citizens celebrate America’s birth.I too,celebrated.It has been a little over a year since I first came to America,and I’m doing great.Overall,I’ve had very many successes in America.I started an Italian pizza shop in Philly.Many people come to eat there to get a taste of Italy.Over the year I’ve lived in America,I managed to make enough money to have my grandmother come over to America. We now live happily above my pizza shop, and we love America!