Daniel's Timeline

  • When I was born

    When I was born
    I was born on February 6, 2007. I was a chubby baby.
  • moving into my new house

    moving into my new house
    We pack all the stuff in the vans and drove to the new house. It was a big house but I had to share a room with my brother.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    I had my batman backpack and I walked through the doors. My teacher was very nice and fun. That is all I remember.
  • getting a yellow tooth (baby tooth)

    getting a yellow tooth (baby tooth)
    When I was a kid I fell a lot. Mostly on my head and I fell so much that I had a yellow tooth.
  • first time I road a bike

    first time I road a bike
    I was pedaling and my dad was pushing me. Then I just went and I kept going and then I knew how to ride a bike.
  • First day of elementary school

    First day of elementary school
    I had the same batman backpack and it was a big school and had long hallways. I walked to my class and I said hi to my teacher. I remember that my teacher was nice.
  • first time going to las vegas

    first time going to las vegas
    We were on the plane for 4 hours and it was long. The first thing I saw was the city, it was shiny and bright. It was a lot of fun in las vegas.
  • going on a cruise

    going on a cruise
    I was 6 and I went on a cruise. It was soooooo much fun but I don't remember much. I do remember the free ice cream though.
  • broke my leg into 3 peaces

    broke my leg into 3 peaces
    I was doing this thing where you attach sleds to a snowmobile and it was a lot of fun. But then I was in the front of the sled and My brothers jumped on me when my legs were outside of the sled. Then we started moving and my leg got cot under the sled and started to twist then it snaped.
  • getting ran over with a tractor

    getting ran over with a tractor
    I was at my grampa farm and we were watering the plants with a tractor. I fell asleep and fell off the tractor and then it ran me over. Good thing I was on the soft ground so I went into the ground.
  • first day of middle school

    first day of middle school
    I walked through the doors with my friends and the first thing I thought was that this school was small. I liked the locker aspect of middle school and I liked the different classes.
  • going on brothers cruise

    going on brothers cruise
    I was with my friend Aaron and we hang out most of the time. We met some new people and they were fun to hang out with too. We went cliff jumping and sliding down mountains. It was so much fun.
  • going to myrtle beach

    going to myrtle beach
    We had a really nice room and a good view. We went swimming a lot and found a lot of crabs. We had our cushions with us too so they made the trip twice as good.
  • broke my tooth

    broke my tooth
    I was at my friend's house and it was a lot of fun. We were in the pool and my friend hit me in the face with a boogie board.
  • broke my wrist

    broke my wrist
    I was hanging out with my friends and then we went to my house. One of my friends had a wheely bike and I wanted to try to do a wheely. I was able to do a wheely but on one attempt I accidentally turned the wheel and I went flying forward. I caught myself with my hands but I broke my wrist.