Daniel f

By MrsHill
  • 3761 BCE


    This is when all of existence was created, especially the earth
  • 2103 BCE

    The flood

    The flood
    This is when the large 40 day flood began
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1 BCE


  • 1813 BCE

    The birth of avraham

    The birth of avraham
    This is when avraham the first Jew was born
  • 1562 BCE

    Birth of yosef

    Birth of yosef
    This is when yosef was born
  • 1523 BCE

    Bnei yisrael to Egypt

    Bnei yisrael to Egypt
    Bnei yisrael arrrived at Egypt
  • 1313 BCE

    Receiving torah

    Receiving torah
    When we received the torah
  • 1273 BCE

    Israelites enter israel

    Israelites enter israel
    When the Israelites arrive at israel and Moshe dies
  • 833 BCE

    1st temple built

    1st temple built
    This is when the first temple was built
  • 586 BCE

    First Beit Hamigdash destroyed by Babylonians

    First Beit Hamigdash destroyed by Babylonians
  • 516 BCE

    Second Beit Hamigdash built

    Second Beit Hamigdash built
  • 356 BCE

    Purim story

    Purim story
    This is when Haman wanted to kill the jews
  • 164 BCE

    Chanukah story

    Chanukah story
  • Period: 1 CE to 1000


  • 70

    Second Beit Hamigdash destroyed

    Second Beit Hamigdash destroyed
  • Period: 1000 to


  • Period: to


  • First Aliya

    First Aliya
  • David ben Gurion

    When David ben gurion was born
  • First Zionist congress

    First Zionist congress
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
  • The state of israel

    The state of israel
    This is when israel was declared the Jewish homeland
  • My birth

    My birth
    This is the day I was born late in the night