
Daniel Dennett: 28 MAR 1942 - NOW

  • 1965: Doctorate

    In the year 1965, Danial Dennett received his Doctorate in Philosophy and took a position as a University Professor at the University of Tufts
  • 1987: The Intentional Stance

    1987: The Intentional Stance
    Created the term: Intentional Stance describing the level of abstraction and mental properties of our behavior of things. It is divided within three levels: physical, design, and intentional stance.
  • 1987: The Intentional Stance, Cont.

    1987: The Intentional Stance, Cont.
    Physical Stance: Using what you already know to predict the outcome of what you are trying to accomplish. This can be done by using the laws of nature, mathematics, or physics to determine how something might behave base on your prediction.
    Design Stance: Using knowledge about how something was designed to do to predict an outcome.
    Intentional Stance: Used to explain how to predict the outcome of intelligent systems based on their intention and predetermined factors.
  • 1991: Consciousness Explained

    1991: Consciousness Explained
    In his book, Consciousness Explained, Dennett attempts to explain the human consciousness as nothing special through a metaphysical framework. Within this framework, he used heterophenomenology, the “method of studying the consciousness of other people”
    (Heterophenomenology 2018).
  • 1991: Consciousness Explained, Cont.

    1991: Consciousness Explained, Cont.
    1. In order to relatively explain how the mind works, he theorizes that there is no, “sequential timing of events” (dannyreviews), that our brains would be able to follow. An easier way of interpreting is that since there is no frame of reference, as we do not sequential count every moment in our lives, we can only account for own perception of reality. In turn, since we, as a collective species, all do this, there is no special process to explain our own conscious mind.
  • Video: Dan Dennett: The Illusion of Consciousness

    Video: Dan Dennett: The Illusion of Consciousness
    Here is a url link of a lecture given by Daniel Dennet and his dissertation of how we do not fully understand our own conscious mind.
  • 2012: Erasmus Prize

    In 2012, Dennett was awarded the Erasmus Prize by the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation for his numerous works in the field of cognitive science and theories on conscious mind.
  • MLA Citations

    MLA Citations
    1. “Daniel Dennett Receives Erasmus Prize.” Tufts Now, Tufts University, 5 June 2014,
    2. Dennett, Dan. “The Illusion of Consciousness.” Ted, TED Conferences, LCC, 2003,
    3. Hargrove, Todd. “The Intentional Stance.” BETTER MOVEMENT, 20 Apr. 1970,