Daniel dennett 300 dpi

Daniel Dennett 3/28/1942-Present

  • Consciousness Explained

    The aim of this book by Dennett was to introduce his theory of consciousness. This theory is called the multiple drafts model. His theory is a physicalist theory of consciousness meaning that consciousness is a consequence of physical processes within the brain. His theory stands in opposition to the Cartesian Theater theory in which our experiences are displayed inside our minds and viewed like a movie screen.
  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea

    In this philosophical work, Dennett, seeks to expand the ideas of evolution by natural selection from the world of biology into the other sciences, philosophy, and human culture. He also expresses the idea that the apparent design we see in nature does not need a designer. He states that the process of evolution is a “mindless, mechanistic, brute-force algorithm”.

  • From Bacteria to Bach

    In this, his latest book, Daniel Dennett argues that evolution by natural selection not only works on the human physiology, but also on human culture. The book focuses on two main questions. “How come there are minds?” and “How is it possible for minds to ask and answer this question?”. The process by which the human mind and therefore human culture answers these questions is through the use of memes.