
  • 500 BCE

    Medieval Times

    Medieval Times
    Time period after the fall of the Roman Empire. During the dark ages, people were social dancing for joy due to long days of work. A genre of dance on the universality of death was formed, the Dance of Death. It symbolizes no matter one’s social status, death comes for all. Other dances such as Los Seises, Branle, and Piva dance were introduced here as well.
  • 1300


    Rebirth of the arts, humanistic transformation & art expression were focused. Court dances, such as Pavane, Basse, and Galliard Dance, were used to showcase fashion and technique. Everything was a performance early renaissance. Horseback riding and fencing were popular as well. In 1500, the dancing plague began from a fungus in rye bread. The fungus produced psychoactive chemicals which caused hallucinations, delusions, and spasms. This caused people to dance until exhaustion, leading to death.
  • Baroque

    This was a time period when music had a large advancement in Europe. Artists such as Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi were included. The art made in this time period was dramatic, emotional, tense, and movement was exaggerated. It was intended to appeal to all emotional senses. Professional Dances such as Saraband, Allemande, and Courante, are believed to be fundamental ballet due to the turn outs, foot positions, and movements.