Dalton's Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • May 8, 1300

    Daily Life/Culture

    Daily Life/Culture
    During the Renaissance there were three social classes and Nobility was the highest. Nobility was 2-3% of the population and included important positions like the king's advisors. It was believed you were born a noble or you weren't one. Nobles had a very high standard and dressed like they were important.
    (Life During The Renaissance Notes)
  • May 8, 1300

    Daily Life/Culture

    Daily Life/Culture
    Another class during the Renaissance were the Townspeople. They made up 7-13% of the population at the time. During this time they were separated into four divisions. The four divisions were Patricians, Burghers, Workers, and lastly the Unemployed.
    (Life During The Renaissance Notes)
  • May 8, 1300

    Daily Life/Culture

    Daily Life/Culture
    The last class during the Renaissance were the peasants. They made up 85-90% of the population. These peasants did the same jobs as the peasants in the Middle Ages. Most of them worked on farms for very low pay.
    (Life During The Renaissance Notes)
  • Mar 12, 1320


    The Divine Comedy was written by Dante from Italy. This poem talked about the soul and it's journey to salvation. In the poem He takes a journey through all the steps to salvation. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Sep 13, 1377


    Filippo Brunelleschi was an Italian designer and architect. He was born in 1377 in Florence. He designed the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Italy. Filippo discovered how to build a dome structure which was what the Basilica di San Lorenzo was. He died on April 15th in 1446.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Sep 13, 1386


    Donatello was an Italian sculptor and was born in 1386. He was the creator of the Saint George sculpture. He also helped create the doors to the Baptistry of Florence. Donatello died on December 13, 1466.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Mar 12, 1387


    The Canterbury Tales were stories told by 29 pilgrims that were on their way to the tomb of St. Beckett. St. Beckett was the archbishop of Canterbury. He was murdered by followers of King Henry II after an argument about the church.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Mar 12, 1405


    The Book Of The City Of Ladies was a piece of literature written by Christine de Pizan from France. This book talked about how men and women are treated differently. It also stated that if women were given the same opportunities as men they would be just as successful in life.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Apr 15, 1452


    Leonardo was a Italian who was considered a "Renaissance man" because of his skills. He was born in Anchiano, Italy on April 15th, 1452. He was a artist, sculptor, mathematician, and many more. He also dissected bodies to see how they worked. He died on May 2, 1519. He has many famous paintings like the Mona Lisa.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a sculptor, architect, and a painter. He was born in Caprese Michelangelo. He made many frescoes in the Sistine Chapel and he was also credited with making people look god-like. He died on February 18th 1564 in Rome.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Sep 13, 1483


    Raphael was an Italian Painter. He was born in Urbino in 1483. Raphael was known for his depictions of the Virgin Mary. Raphael died in Italy on April 6th, 1520.
    (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • Oct 3, 1500

    Patrons Of The Arts

    Patrons Of The Arts
    The Medici family was one of the Patrons of The Arts. They were Michelangelo's patron. The Medici's were a very wealthy family. They acquired their wealth by banking. They were seen as very influential and the wealthiest family in Europe.
  • Aug 31, 1510


    In 1510 Peter Henlein created the first pocket watch with a spring. This allowed people to see the time while they were on the move. They use to have to look at a clock tower to see time but this allowed them to see time wherever they went.
  • Mar 9, 1513

    Patrons Of The Arts

    Patrons Of The Arts
    Pope Leo X also was a patron to Michelangelo. Pope Leo X had Michelangelo carve him a tomb. Pope Leo X was pope from March 9 1521 until he died in 1521.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation
    Another Belief Martin had was that people can read the bible and interpret it how they want. He thought that the Church shouldn't tell you how to interpret the bible. He also thought that it wasn't fair that the church was basically playing everybody because they couldn't read the bible.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation
    One teaching he strongly believe in was that indulgences were a waste. An indulgence was a piece of paper that could be bought and was said to free a soul from purgatory. He said that they are a waste of money and the church is corrupt by selling them.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation
    Luther believed salvation came by following the faith of Christ. He didn't believe in buying indulgences. He also didn't agree with people buying positions in the church. He basically thought if you were a good person and followed your faith you would go to heaven.
    (Martin Luther and Reformation Notes)
  • Jan 19, 1540

    The Catholic Church(Pre Reformation)

    The Catholic Church(Pre Reformation)
    Another messed up thing the Church did was simony. Simony was when people would buy roles in the church. During this time you were suppose to earn your positions but instead people were buying them. It just goes back to show that the church was more concerned about the money.
    (Reformation Summary and Comparison Notes)
  • Jan 19, 1540

    The Catholic Church(Pre Reformation)

    The Catholic Church(Pre Reformation)
    Another thing the church believed was that the cardinals and popes were important and deserved better things. The Church shouldn't have believed this because everybody is equal. I think they thought they were better so they needed to have better things than everybody else.
    (Reformation Summary and Comparison Notes)
  • Jan 19, 1540

    The Catholic Church(Pre-Reformation)

    The Catholic Church(Pre-Reformation)
    Before the Reformation the Catholic Church was doing some shady things. One thing that was shady was the selling of indulgences. They said these would free a soul from purgatory. The messed up part is that they were doing it to make money and it wasn't real instead of help the followers of the church.
    (Reformation Summary and Comparison Notes)
  • Jul 24, 1543

    Scientific Ideas/Discoveries

    Scientific Ideas/Discoveries
    The Heliocentric Solar System idea that the sun was in the middle of the universe and Pluto was on the very outer part. Nicolaus Copernicus was the creator of this idea. Before this idea we believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and everything rotated around it. Ever since the Heliocentric idea was made it hasn't changed.
  • Scientific Ideas/Discoveries

    Scientific Ideas/Discoveries
    The scientific method was invented by Galileo during the Renaissance. He used this method to prove his theories right or wrong, as did many other scientists. It also states that theories are never fully proven but have a lot of evidence to back them up and make them basically true.
  • Invention

    In 850 the Chinese invented gunpowder. In 1620 the Flintlock was invented and led to other countries wanting weapons like it. These guns at the time were used for hunting or war. Now we use firearms for the same things but they are very different from back then.
  • Scientific Ideas/Discoveries

    Scientific Ideas/Discoveries
    Isaac Newton had 3 laws that helped science. He had laws of gravitation and motion. His laws explained what happens when something is affected by gravity or motion.
  • Invention

    Many people helped lead to the development of matches. In 1669 a man named Hennig Brandt discovered phosphate. In 1680 Robert Boyle found that if you coated wood with sulfur it could be struck across a paper with phosphate on it. This led to matches being developed.