9 11 2001, the day the twin towers in New York at 9:45 in the morning. 2,977 people were killed inside the twin towers, and people say that more than 6,000 people were injured. -
The Day I Was Born
I was born on the 6th of June. I was born in Reno, Nevada. Saint Mary's Hospital at 9:30 am. -
Barack Obama Elected
When Barack Obama was elected in 2009, and he beat Romney by a couple votes. He then ended on January 20 2017. -
The Day I Got My Dog
Me, my mom and my dad drove an hour and 30 minutes to get our new chihuahua named snoopy, and i still have the blanket i took him home with. -
The Day I Got Baptized
The day i got baptized, i was baptized by my uncle john, my mom's brother. i was taken to the stake center and changed into white clothes. That is one of my favorite days in my life. -
Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey is one of the most devastating hurricanes to happen to Florida. 68 died and 13 million people effected by the hurricane, and a whopping 135,000 homes damaged and destroyed. -
First Time Going To Disney World
The first day going to a new state, and going to disney world. we got an awesome condo for a good price. there was a swiming pool and me and victoria shared a bedroom. my grandma toya came with us and she loved it and she was so funny. i love her. we had popcorn there and OH MY GOSH i loved it!!!! the candy smells were real and we almost bought a whole bunch of candy but we didnt -
The First Day Of 8th Grade
The first day of 8th grade was interesting, but i love most of my teachers. surprisingly i'm excited to learn about u.s history and learn more about the world wars.