Pretty wallpaper 25

daisy sevilla's timeline

  • when i was born

    i was born in phoenix Arizona . On march 20th 1999.
  • going to elementary

    i remember going to elementary. i was so excited to go to school and meeting friends.
  • learned to rid a bike

    i learned how to ride a bike at age 7. i was so nervous and scared to fall but i didnt
  • learned how to swim

    i learned how to swim at age 7 years old. my parents put me in a swimming class . it was really fun
  • seeing my dad

    i went to mexico to visit my dad. i was so happy and excited to my dad and family. and going to my tia quince
  • having my 15 party

    i had my 15 party on march 20 the day on my birthday. i had a pretty white dress. my color theme was a peach color. i had so much fun at my party and so did everybody who was there. my 15 party meant a lot to me. it is a day i will never forget.
  • visiting california

    Me and my family went to California. we stayed at my dads uncle house. we went to see the beach
  • going to disneyland

    Me and my family went to Disneyland. i has so much fun going rides and see the disney characters
  • going camping

    me and my whole family went camping. it was my first time going camping. i was so excited because ive never went camping. but it was all so fun especially with my family there
  • how many siblings i have

    i have 5 brothers. two live with me and 3 live in mexico . im the oldest of the 5 and the only girl.