In 2111 i will be learning English with a robot -
artificial intelligence
In 2111 i will be having more mental ability thanks to artificial intelligence -
Virtual brain
In 2111 i will have enjoyed having a computer in my brain -
In 2111 i will have spoken telepathically to other people -
In 2111 i will be taking advantage of the ability to communicate with people brain to brain without using words -
In 2111 i will be learn all the things i want as the robots will teach me -
In 2111 i will have used to the maximum the ability to go places that are always wanted by telepresence -
In 2111 i will be working with the holograms -
In 2111 i will be resting while working from the comfort of my smart house -
Farmer technician
In 2111 i will be working as farmer techno