
  • 1415

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince Henry the Navigator
    he sponsor many exploratory sea voyages. In 1415, his ships reached the Canary Islands, which had already been claimed by Spain.
  • 1439

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Invented movable type printing press initiated nothing less than a revolution in print technology
  • Period: 1457 to 1509

    Henry Vll

    The king of england
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    discovers the new world
  • 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    Vasco Da Gama
    he was appointed to command an expedition equipped by the Portuguese government, whose intention was to find a maritime route to the East.
  • 1498

    Da Vinci paint the Last Supper

    Da Vinci paint the Last Supper
    paints men around a dinner table
  • 1499

    Michelangelo makes the Pieta

    Michelangelo makes the Pieta
    a woman holding a man
  • 1504

    Michelangelo makes the statue of David

    Michelangelo makes the statue of David
    A naked man
  • 1508

    Da Vinci makes the Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci makes the Mona Lisa
    a portrait of a woman
  • 1516


    Erasmus came up with a heavily explained edition of the New Testament through,
  • 1517

    The 95 theses

    The 95 theses
    questions of indulgences in latin
  • 1518

    Hernan Cortez

    Hernan Cortez
    he set off to explore Mexico
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    set out from Spain with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands.
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Pizarro and his brothers conquered Peru
  • Period: 1533 to 1564

    Queen Elizabeth

    takes the throne of England
  • 1534

    Jaques Cartier

    Jaques Cartier
    was sent by King Francis I to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia in 1534. His exploration of the St. Lawrence River allowed France to lay claim to lands that would become Canada.
  • 1567

    Francis Drake

    Francis Drake
    Drake made one of the first English slaving voyages as part of a fleet led by his cousin John Hawkins, bringing African slaves to work in the 'New World'
  • Galileo

    first telescope modeled after telescopes produced in other parts of Europe that could magnify objects three times.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    discovered the first two laws of planetary motion in 1609 and the third law in 1618
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    fighting for thirty years
  • Period: to

    Luis XIV

    The reign of France’s Louis XIV, known as the Sun King, lasted for 72 years, longer than that of any other known European sovereign.
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    Treaty of Westphalia
    treaty that ended the Thirty Years War
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    wrote the leviathan
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    discovered the laws of motion
  • Period: to

    William and Mary

    take the throne
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    king of Prussia
  • Montesquieu

    he wrote the spirit of laws
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was the last king of France in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of 1789. He was executed for treason by guillotine in 1793
  • Napolean

    battle at waterloo