
D smith french rev


    Famine - food shotage , bread coast one months pay
    Political crises
    attack on villages
    gov troops take crops.
    set fire
    stole grain
  • french divied

    french divied into 3 classes
    2nd- nobility
    3rd everyone eles money trouble.
    deficit spending
    seven year war
    bad harvest
  • National assembly act

    nobles agree to give up
    manorial dee
    hunting rights
    legal status
    expention from taxes
    feudalisn is ablished
  • Rights of man

    were created equal
    male citizen epual
    right to hold office
  • Woman march on versiales

    6000 woman march 13 miles in the rain
    shouting bread
    demanded to see the king
    the woman demand the king/queen move to paris
    king/queen forced to live in paris
  • louis XVI

    france on verge of bankruptcy
    bread riots spread, nobles fearful of taxes
    louis summoned the estates general to meet @ versaillers
  • The constitution

    the constitoin of 1791 set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute.
    the monarchy ruled france for centuries.
    the constitution of 1791 seemed to complete the revelation.
  • threats from abroad

    the king of prussia and the emprie of austria set up the delerction of pilnitz. they steped in to protect the french monarchy. it was mostly a bluff but the reveloution of franch prepared for war.
  • civil war radicles take over

    new elecated legislative assambley takes offices and failed in less then one year. currency droped in value and prices went up. this caused hording and a lot of food shortages. the sausculottes "working class" and the jacobins (middle class) demanded a republice governed by electied representatives.
  • Mnacrakey is abolished.

    the third estate takes controls. jan 1 1793 radicles execute the king. 1793 oct 1 marie antoniette was executed.
  • the spread of nationalism

    lotie and devoution that once belong to the king and queen now center on defending itself. the revoulation gave the french people a strong sence of national pride.
  • Robespierre and the reign of terror

    he was nicknamed the incorruptible. he beleved france could achieve a republice of virtue though use of terror. crimials lose theri heads. the rain of terror lasted from sep 1793 to july 1794. 800 where excuted each month. on july 1794 fearing for there lives they arrested robepierre and excuted him.
  • Third stage of the reveloution.

    because of the terror the reveloution started its third stage. moderates came up with a new reveloution the constion was made of a five man directory and a two house legislature that held power till 1795 to 1799. some of the problems where corrupt leaders lineing there own pockets and failure to solve important problems. politicians turned to napoleon bonaparte.
  • Church

    it is under state control
    under the civil consnstitution of the clergy
    the constiution ended papal authority over the french church
    many bishops and preasts refused to accept the civil constiution