Dana ski picture

D Lord PLN

  • Finish MSU certificate

    Finish MSU certificate
    I will finish my MSU educational technology certificate and create/organize my contacts, articles, tools, and websites that I've used during my courses.
  • Assessment Decisions

    Assessment Decisions
    I will attend another district planning meeting where we are trying to choose/create assessments that will be used for teacher evaluations for meeting the Common Core standards. The high school technology teacher will be present so I can use his expertise to determine skills that he would like my students to have mastered before coming to high school.
  • Camtasia

    I will continue to make my screencasts using Camtasia and will use my MSU contacts and the internet to help me learn how to use Camtasia to its full potential.
  • Create PLN with FMS

    Create PLN with FMS
    I will contact Susan Gamez at Fountain Middle School to create a PLN with the other middle school in my district. She recently earned her Masters' degree in educational technology and just started teaching computers this year so I'm sure we can share some great ideas for teaching computers in our district. She also works with a veteran computer teacher in her building that I would like to connect with as well.
  • Let the planning begin!!

    Let the planning begin!!
    Using my PLN, I will begin the planning of my curriculum using the NETS and ISTE, as well as my PLN. This will be a long process that will require me to continue to reach out for ideas through my MSU contacts, Twitter, and websites like 21things4teachers.net, and allthingsplc.info.
  • Begin teaching computers!

    Begin teaching computers!
    I will become the new computer teacher at Carson Middle School and will be able to use all of the skills I've been learning from my MSU courses.