czars of the rusian empior

  • Mar 14, 1547

    ivan the great

    ivan the great
    ivan came to power in 1547, and ivan died in 1584. he trippled the size of moscows territory
  • Mar 17, 1552

    ivan the terrible

    ivan the terrible
    ivans engineres breeched the kazans fortressby tunneling under it and detinating explosives. by 1553 ivan was at the height of his power.
  • mikhail feodrovich

    mikhail feodrovich
    he was the founded of the dynasty of the romans.he died july 13 1645.
  • sofia alexeevna

    sofia alexeevna
    she started ruling in 1682, she was well educated and noted for her inteligence and ambitions and energy. she was active in internal and froign policy.
  • peter the great

    peter the great
    he was tsar of russia from 1682 to 1725. he was best known for his extensive reformes in an attempt to establish russia a great nation.
  • catherine the great

    catherine the great
    she wasent even russian and catherin was not her real name. she died january 1762.
  • nicholas I

    nicholas I
    he was the son of grand duke paul and grand duchess maria. he was the third son. he died 1855