
  • Period: Oct 19, 1462 to


  • Oct 19, 1505

    Ivan The Great

    Ivan The Great
    Thr Russian state gained independece from the mongol tatars. He became the gatherer of Russian land and trippled the territory of his state. Both sides retreated and the tribute was never again demanded. His wife died in 1467 of Tver. His next wife brought coustoms of the Byzantine.
  • Ivan The Terrible

    Ivan The Terrible
    He began to rule when he was 16. Made Russia a dominant army and wiped out countries to the east. Had people construct St. Basil's Cathedral, he liked it so much that he blinded the architects so they couldn't make anything better. Oprichnina is Ivan's army that spread terror in Russia by destroying cities, and killing 1000's. Ivan's army kept getting weaker and Ivan couldn't find land in the west and he then died a couple years later.
    - Sam
  • Nicholas I

    Nicholas I
    He didn't want to be the ruler. He is remembered as the most reactionary of Russia's monarch's a symbol of military and oppression. He expanded Russia's territory. He gained control of the far East. He died from a bad cold, but people think he poisoned himself.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    Went through military school before he met his wife and had 8 kids. First war he went to he lost and people worried. Alex abolished serfdorn and 1,000 poles executed or departured. He brought Bulgoria back by going to war with the turks. Alex was assinated March 13, 1881.