Cybersecurity Lesson 2

  • Last Lesson

    Last lesson, we begun to learn about Cyber Security, alongside our aims for the course. The aims shown included showing our understanding of the unit, analysis of forensic data, evaluating protection methods, and planning out a secure computer network -- all of which are very important in modern day society, as we've become more and more reliant on computers and technology, so scammers, hackers, and many people with malicious intentions will attempt to access your devices or hack into the data.
  • This Lesson

    This lesson, we started learning more about Cyber Security and its importance. This included learning a bit about cybersecurity domains, the different types of cybersecurity criminals, cybersecurity specialists, and doing four different exercises to improve upon our knowledge of Cyber Security. These four exercises involved us looking at databases and a cyber sharing site, looking at different threat areas, looking into different threats, and describing what we think different terms are.