Digital Curriculum
Newly adopted ELA curriculum will contain integrated digital components, which teachers will use in the classroom. -
Essential Learning Established
Teacher teams at every site will collaborate with one another to establish the essential learnings at their grade level, ensuring that all students have equal access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum. -
Online Assessment Tools
There will be widespread use of online assessment systems and tools to identify the edcuational needs of invidual students, and assist in meeting those needs. -
Common Formative Assessments
The use of teacher-created common formative assessments will be fluid and an every day part of "how we do business". -
STEAM Spaces
All sites will have a STEAM/Maker Space that all classes utilize on a regular basis. -
Professional Development
The way we deliver professional development to teachers will shift. Participating in professional development that involves blended learning, with teachers being able to select from a variety of differentiated learning paths, will become a part of the way we deliver professional development to all teachers. This blended learning model will partially replace more traditional ways of delivering professional development. -
Blended Learning
Blended learning will be a part of every student's educational experience, with opportunities for flipped learning being created by teachers. -
Fluid Intervention and Extension
Students will receive intervention and extension on a fluid, regular basis, with teachers across multiple grade levels sharing students based on the skills that they need, as determined by formative assessment. -
Individualized Learning Pathways
We will use all of our resources - including both technological and human resources - in order to create and provide individualized learning pathways to students. These pathways will be tailored to meet each student's unique needs and include their interests and voice in the process.