
curriculum development with a emphasis on students with disabilities

  • The Theme of where in Special Education:

    Curative geography and the institutional state 1800-1850, The historical development of special education in the United States began in Europe.
  • Professional Developements: The Emerging Claims of Specialized Knowledge

    Psychiatrists in early 19th-century France concentrated on "perfecting" those with disabilities via sense education and moral tratment, as introduced most notably by Pinel.
  • The Theme of who in Special Education

    Therapeutic Education and Professionalism: The educational and cultural developments of the Progressive Era in the United States continued Enlightenment themes by enacting an optimism concerning the secular perfectibility of the human condition and society through the application of rationality.
  • Immigration and the public school

    According to a 1909 U.S. Immigration Commission study 57.8% of all students in urban public schools were the offspring of foreign born parents. Many immigrants spoke foreign language at home but not at school. This caused problems in public school classrooms.
  • Early Public School Special Education

    The first special education class specifically for "mental defectives" was founded in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1896. By 1922 at least 133 school systems provided special education classes for over 23,000 students considered "mentally deficient"
  • Elaborating the What of Special Education

    Bureaucratizing Disablilty through programmatic regimentation.