Fall of Rome
In the year 476 Rome fell apart, However the eastern side still remained, known as the Byzantine empire. This was a very important event in the history of europe because it caused a lot of political unrest in many places in southern western and central europe. -
Period: Dec 31, 1094 to Dec 31, 1271
The crusades 1095-1272
The crusades were a religious military movement by christians to retake jerusalem, but they were eventually pushed out by Saladin -
Period: Jan 1, 1278 to
The Habsburgs
The Habsburgs were an aristocratic family in central europe. They were important because they ruled in many places of central europe; Austria, Hungary, Czech Rep, Slovakia. The House of Habsburg was located in Austria where the most royal houses in Europe were elected by the Roman Empire, Austrian Empire and also the Spanish Empire between the 14th and 17th century. The fortress was named “Habsburg Castle” by a swiss named Count Radbot of Klettgau in 1020–1030. -
Period: Dec 31, 1298 to
Ottaman Empire
The ottaman empire when the nomadic turks were united. When they were united they became a powerful military force. Capturing and toaking over much land in turkey and the midle east. The ottaman empire fell a part with the end of the WWI went it became turkey. -
Dec 31, 1347
Black death 1348-1350
The Black Death, also known as The Great Mortality took place mainly in Europe around 1340-1350. One third of the population was killed. It was brought to Europe by rats. The rats went onto trading ships and then spread around most of Europe. The affect of the Black Death; you would get a very high fever you would have muscular pains. This was important because it was allround europe. -
Jan 28, 1399
Feudalism (More info)
Feudalism is important as it affected most of europe. -
Jan 1, 1453
Fall Of Constantineople
The Fall of Constantinople took place in 1453 after the Ottomans successfully laid siege to the city. This started the decline of the byzantine empire. -
Jan 1, 1492
Discovery Of America
This was the time when christopher columbus. -
Period: Dec 31, 1499 to
Age of exploration
The age of Exploration began in the 15th century and ended in 17th century. It was a time of when European sailors and travelers discovered/explored Oceania, the Americas, Africa and far Eastern Asia. Colonial empires that built up overseas began contact between the old and new world. Global mapping of the world gave others a new worldview, leading to far away civilizations acknowledging each other; reaching the most far off boundaries later on. -
Dec 31, 1516
Begining of the Protestant Reformation
In the 16th century, the Protestant-reformation began. People who didn't want the doctrines, rituals, and ecclesiastical structure of the Roman Catholic Church would join; this led to the creation of new protestant churches. The Protestant-reformation caused the Catholic church to react with a Counter-reformation. Although, many parts of Northern Europe, Ireland, bits of Britain and Netherlands, turned protestant. Southern Europe, however, stayed faithful to the church of the Catholics. -
Jan 1, 1525
Prussia (picture)
Period: Jan 1, 1525 to
An empire located in todays northern germany and poland. It's capital was Koninsberg later berlin. Prussia was a German kingdom that ran throughout Northern Europe and it lasted through 1525 to 1947,. The Prussian kingdom had a very effective army and very well organized plans that got them to conquering most of Europe. The fall of Prussia came in 1918, when the monarchies were banished and they lost their political power slowly. Prussia was important as it was big and very influencial country. -
Dec 31, 1544
Counter Reformation 1545 1563
The Counter-reformation, was the period of the Catholic Revival, and began with the Council of Trent, ending at the Thirty year's war in 1648. It was an effort divided into four vital parts; ecclesiastical or structural reconfiguration, religious orders, spiritual movements, and political dimensions. The effort was created by the Roman Catholic Church to push back the Protestant reformation, but working only somewhat. Making new religious orders worked well claiming -
Period: to
Broque Period
A time with a specific artistic style. This artistic style was specific for music architecture and paintings. This was a very decoratove style and many building were highly dacorated. Musci was played on organs. And painting were highly detailed -
Period: to
Industrial revolution
The industrial revolution was a transition between hand production and mechanical production. This happened during the 1720 - 1840. The industrial revolution stopped famine as machines would produce a lot more than people. This was an important event in the history of europe because it affected the whole of europe. -
Begining of WWI
Byzantine empire at it's peak
This is a picture of the size of the byzantine empire -
Period: to Dec 31, 1499
Midle ages
The midle ages was a time period were the hierachy af sosiety was a hug barrier between the poor and the rich. This time was also ruled mainly by religion which was used by the royal family to keep power. -
Period: to Dec 31, 1399
Feudalism was a system that ran throughout the 9th to the 15th century; when there were specific social levels for every citizen of a city. When work was sorted out, it was given to the serfs (peasants, at lowest social level) , and then the dukes and stewards ( “watch-overs of the serfs” which were at mid social level) took over the serfs, and then the kings and queens were at the top (Over powered everyone, at highest social level). Serfs were paid food and protection. -
Period: to Dec 31, 1434
Byzantine empire
The Byzantine empire was the eastern half of rome that stayed after the fall of Rome. The capital of the Byzantine empire was Constantinople or today Istanbul. It covered Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and more. The Byzantine Empire was the continuance of the Roman Empire after the Fall of Rome. it ran through 330 until 1453 which means that it lasted until the end of the middle ages. The byzantine empire was important because it was a large and highly influencial empire.