Dec 1, 604
In 604 A,D., Wendi completed his reign. The control was given to Yangdi, Wendi's son. The dynasty thrived in accomplishment when he was in reign until Yangdi forced millions of peasants to work on a 1,000 mile canal located in southern China. Since he forced many peasants to perform this type of task, it led to discontent and rebellion. The Sui Dynasty ended after Yangdi was assasinated in 418 A.D. -
Jun 1, 712
During his time of reign, 712 A.D., the empire thrived. The Tang Dynasty declined because of their government weakness, nomadic invasions, and rebellion towards them. The Tang Dynasty officially ended when Xuanzong was killed in 907 A.D. -
Jan 1, 1016
The Fujiwara family controlled Japan for most of the Heian period. After Chinas Han Dynasty, three rival kingdoms controlled Korea. The first kingdom to rule was the Silla Kingdom. They ruled all Korea by 670 until rebels defeated the Silla Kingdom in 935. Then after, the rebels founded the Koryo Dynasty. -
Jan 1, 1200
The Mongols were headed to central Asia to create the largest empire in history. The Mongols decided to separate into clans, each led by Genghis Kahn, "The Universal Ruler". Genghis Kahn led the Mongols in conquering much of Asia, but after his death in 1227, the Mongols controlled much of northern China. -
Jan 1, 1260
Kublai Khan
Kublai Khan came into rule as "Great Khan" of the Mongol Empire. After the Song Dynasty fiercely resisted the Mongols, they were still defeated in 1279. After they were defeated Kublai Khan created the Yuan Dynasty. Kublai Khan adopted Chinese practices and tried to rule as Chinese emperor, but the Mongols were not engaged into Chinese culture. Since the Mongols were not captivated, they lived apart from Chinese. -
Jan 1, 1392
Choson Dynasty
During the 1200s, the Mongols of Yuan China invaded and occupied Korea. The Mongols forced Koryo’s rulers to pay immense tributes and enslave many Koreans. This occurrence led Koreans to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty, which was weakened during the 1300s. In 1392, Korean general, Yi Song-gye, established a new dynasty, the Choson Dynasty. -
Jan 1, 1400
Early Japanese civilization developed their separate culture. The oldest known Japanese culture was Ainu. They were the ones who became Japanese, which developed clans to worship nature spirits called Kami. These religious beliefs developed into the Shinto Religion. Japan's emperor, Yamato, moved the capital to Heian in 794. During this period, Japanese culture flourished. -
Sui Dynasty
The Sui Dynasty started in 581 A.D. The Sui Dynasty was ruled by Wendi, which led them to build a centralized government to restore the order, create new legal codes, and improve on the bureaucracy. -
Tang Dynasty
When the Tang Dynasty came into rule, China experienced a period of brilliance, prosperity, and cultural achievement. Later on, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Gaozong, was very weak and sick. -
Wu Zhao
Following the death of Gaozong in 683 A.D., his wife, Wu Zhao gained power. While she was ruled through her sons, she eventually became an emperor herself. As a matter of fact, being the only woman to do so in Chinese history. Wu Zhao was overthrown in 705 A.D. by a new ruler, Xuanzong. -
Song Dynasty
After the Tang Dynasty descended, the Song Dynasty came into power in 960 A.D. Huizong was currently the emperor. Under their reign, Chinese civilization became most advanced in the world. Some of their great cultural advancements were: movable type, paper money, and pagoda, which is a roof on each floor curving upwards at the corners. They also invented gundpowder, a magnetic compass, which is used over bodies of water, and invented woodblock painting.