The government restricts Native Americans
the federal government had passed an act that designed the entire great plains as one enormous reservation, or land set aside for native americans tribes -
governents resticts natives
the government changed its policy and created treaties that defined specific boundaries for each tribe. -
massacre at sand creek
most tragic events
Most of the cheyenne assuming they were under the protection of the u.s. governmetn had peacefully returned to colorado's sand creek reserve for the winter. -
Death of bozeman trail fetterman massacre
crazy horse led an attack to kill nerarly 80 soldiers. -
what led up to the red river war
war broke out yes again as the kiowa and the comanche engages in six years of raiding that finally led to the red river war -
Period: to
red river war, slaughtering
the us army repsonded by herding the people of friendly tribes onto reservations while opening fire on all others. -
gold rush to black hills
colonel gerorge a custer reported that the black hills had gold from the grass roots down a gold rush was to the black hills. Red cloud and spotted tail, and another sioux chief vainly appealed again to government officials in washington. -
Dawes act
this act broke up the resercations and gave some of the rezervation land to individual native americans. one and sixty acres to each head of house hold and 80 to each un married male. -
custers last stand
the sioux and cheyenne held a sun dance, during which stiitng bull had a vision of soldiers and some native americans falling off their horses. the natives crushed custers forces within an hour. but later had to surrender. -
wounded knee slaughter . not a battle
the seveth cavalry custer's old regiment rounded up about 350 starving and freezing sioux and took them to a camp at wounded knee creek in south dakota, the day the soldiers demanded for them to give up there weapons. and a shot was let out . and all the natives died. women men and children