Cultural Timeline - Arab Architecture

By abawa1
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    7th century CE: Emergence of Islamic architecture

    7th century CE: Emergence of Islamic architecture
    Arabic architecture existed as early as the 7th century with the construction of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This rock signifies a significant milestone in architectural history, as it was a unique architectural style inspired by Islamic religious principles. In the Quran, it is stated that people are made from mud and earth and the rock is symbolic of this belief.
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    8th-9th centuries CE: Development of distinctive architectural elements

    8th-9th centuries CE: Development of distinctive architectural elements
    This period showcases Islamic architectural techniques and the incorporation of cultural and artistic influences including pointed arches and ornate geometric patterns, under the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. The expansion of Islamic empires, such as the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties, allowed for the dissemination of architectural styles across different regions, resulting in the fusion of various cultural and artistic influences.
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    12th-16th centuries CE: Flourishing of Islamic architecture during the Islamic Golden Age

    12th-16th centuries CE: Flourishing of Islamic architecture during the Islamic Golden Age
    A fusion of Islamic, Byzantine, and Romanesque architectural styles, which is notably reflected in the Great Mosque of Cordoba and the Alhambra in Spain.
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    16th-19th centuries CE: Influence of Ottoman architecture

    16th-19th centuries CE: Influence of Ottoman architecture
    This period demonstrates the expansion of Islamic architectural traditions under the Ottoman Empire. Can be seen in structures like the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.
  • 20th century CE: Revival of Islamic architectural traditions and modern interpretations

    20th century CE: Revival of Islamic architectural traditions and modern interpretations
    The construction of contemporary mosques and skyscrapers in the Gulf region showcases the integration of traditional elements with modern design.