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Cultural Roots

  • New Path

    New Path
    While my mother was 8 months pregnant my parents decided to cross the Mexican Border. My parents came from a poor background and wanted to provide me with a brighter future. They wanted me to go to school, learn different languages, travel the word and have an education.
    This picture represents what my life could have been. Which is living in poverty with a less chance to succeed in life. I am grateful to have an opportunity to attend grad school. I plan on helping others as I advise them.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Roots

    Each one of these life events have affected my way of thinking in wanting to become an academic advisor. My parents moving to a new country, having a job and learning how to handle my own money have been an influence to who I am. Each piece of life event comes together to build a bigger picture in my world
  • Believe in Jesus: This picture represents the birth of Jesus and how my parents wanted us to believe in Jesus from an early age.

    Believe in Jesus: This picture represents the birth of Jesus and how my parents wanted us to believe in Jesus from an early age.
    I grew up in a religious Family where we constantly prayed to Jesus. My parents didn't want us to believe in fairy tales or any other mythical creature. As a child during holidays I always wondered why we didn't celebrate Santa, the easter bunny, halloween or other social events. My parents believed all these social event were witchcraft. Therefore, I was told to believe in Jesus from an early age. My family gave thanks to Jesus for living in a new country that provided us with an education.
  • Struggling Reader

    Struggling Reader
    Before I reached 3rd grade I would hide behind other students when I had to read. I could play the part of being a good students and learned how to complete an assignment with friends help. My 3rd grade teacher however had many independent assignments. I remember turning in each one blank because I didn't understand the directions. My 3rd grade teacher then decided to stay after and before school everyday until I knew how to read. Her determination and help inspired me to become a teacher.
  • Moving to San Antonio Texas: We moved from Las Cruces New Mexico to a larger city. We moved to San Antonio because it represented a city filled with opportunity. The alamo is a symbol of a new start after a battle.

    Moving to San Antonio Texas: We moved from Las Cruces New Mexico to a larger city. We moved to San Antonio because it represented a city filled with opportunity. The alamo is a symbol of a new start after a battle.
    I was 12 years old when my parents decided that we should move to San Antonio TX. They realized that in order for our family to receive the best education we needed to be exposed to a place that provided enrichment for our minds to grow. We became involved with the church, joined camps, and other educational programs. My parents would remind my two brothers and I how important knowledge was. Plus, San Antonio has 29 colleges/Universities to choose from. The city was a chance for a new beginning.
  • Learning how to save with my first job

    Learning how to save with my first job
    I started working at Sea World when I was 15 years old and started saving up for my first car. My parents told me when I was younger that they wouldn't be able to provide for a vehicle and financial support for any college or University. My parents would save what they could for me but told me I needed to save up money as well. I then started saving up 90% of my paycheck into a savings account. I wanted my parents to be proud of my accomplishments with financial decisions as I started working.
  • Pressure to go to school and not get distracted. The picture represents all my goals from a young child. Trying to stand up and hold them together as I started my journey in life.

    Pressure to go to school and not get distracted. The picture represents all my goals from a young child. Trying to stand up and hold them together as I started my journey in life.
    I have been reminded since I was a toddler why my parents came to a new country. They came when my mother was 8 months pregnant to provide me with an education that my cousins and aunts couldn't obtain. For this reason, they didn't want me to get distracted with social school events. I was told to go to school, work and church. Everything else in life was a distraction. My parents didn't want their sacrifice of coming to a new country to go to waste. I understood and didn't question their rules
  • Scholarships for school

    Scholarships for school
    I knew from an early age that I need to make excellent grades and become a well rounded student to earn scholarships. I knew that my parents savings wouldn't provide me with the financial stability I needed to receive a higher education. Their financial struggles motivated me to apply for scholarships. I received a full scholarships to attend a community college where I then completed my Early childhood associates. My parents struggles motivated me to keep working hard to find solutions.
  • Teacher wanting to change the world

    Teacher wanting to change the world
    I wanted my 3rd grade teacher's inspiration to continue to grow by teaching. I wanted the influences that helped me become a teacher to inspire other students. I learned that teachers had to plan, explore and deliver engaging lessons for each subject every day. My days were long, filled with paperwork but I was determined to find my purpose. I wanted to inspire others by helping my students reach their goals and push them beyond their limits.
  • Married and starting new traditions: This picture represents a family opening new traditions together with each box represent each event in life.

    Married and starting new traditions: This picture represents a family opening new traditions together with each box represent each event in life.
    While I was young I remember feeling left out during holidays from my friends because I wasn't allowed to celebrate anything else that didn't involve Jesus. I however, wanted my children to believe in anything magical and believe in anything they wanted. I wanted to start new traditions with my family. I wanted them to explore the world and support them in their crazy dreams. As long as their dreams provided an income to support themself. I wanted them to be happy and not feel pressured in life.
  • Struggling Parents raising children

    Struggling Parents raising children
    As a teacher I wanted to help my students the same way that my 3rd grade teacher helped me. I realized that as the years went by I was reporting more parents to Child Protective Services. Parents were lost in knowing how to help their child succeed in life. I started providing parents with resources for help. Remembering what my parents instilled in me about education. My classroom parents motivated me to go back to school to help advise adults towards a brighter future.