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Cultural Roots

By Wcox2
  • Birth

    On March 4th, 1990, My twin and I were born in Austin, Texas. Births are an important part of our family. We always make a big deal out of birthdays. We have parties, make special meals, special activities, or special gifts. Weather turning two or 80, my family uses this as a perfect excuse to come together. We are big celebrators for ever major holidays and even the little holidays. This is a picture of my twin and my parents.
  • Ethnicity

    In recent years I have found out more about my ethnic roots. On my Father’s side, I am Melungeon, Polish, German, and Penobscot Indian. On my Mom’s side, I am German and French.
    Knowing where I come from and family history has always been an important part of my life. Without history or a past, we have no story, no pride, honor, or future. I think that is also why I love historic and older buildings because they have a story to tell. The picture is of family members.
  • Disability

    My Papa is my personal hero. He was soldier in the U.S. Army. He ended up with a medical condition and a misdiagnosis that caused him to lose his leg. After healing, he continued his job as a Black Hawk mechanic, before being medical discharged. Watching his triumphs and tribulations, has formed my view on special education and the abilities of my students. The picture is my Papa and his continue journey with his disability.
  • Weld Baby; Weld!

    Weld Baby; Weld!
    Being a welder has not only been a source of income for me, but also a huge part of my family. All my immediate family has been involve in welding or the oil field. My husband and his family are the same way. My step daughter is now in the process of learning to weld. Our new daughter will probably learn, too. Being in this industry teaches you a code and way of life. The people out here become family. The picture below in of my family members and I welding.
  • Sexuality

    When it comes to sexuality, my family has always been open to a certain point. Over the years, we have had family friends and family members who have came out or expressed their sexual preferences. They have taught my sister and I to be very excepting people, while passing on religious values. I grew up hearing, “ Life is already hard enough without adding harm or drama”. This has stuck with me. This commit is something I often tell my students, as well. This picture is of our friends.
  • Education

    Education is also a huge part of who I am and who I am becoming. My family has always placed a huge value on education. They wanted us to have better opportunities then they did. However, education also meant developing your own opinions and values, when it came to religion, politics, and policies. The picture is of my bachelor graduation.
  • New Chapter

    New Chapter
    In July, I married my best friend and the father of our child. This means I am now having to learn and adapt to life living with the opposite sex. I have lived with others, but it is much different because you are sharing every aspect of your life. I am also using things my parents have taught me that have made their marriage last. I also have a step daughter and learning to work with her mother. The picture is of my new family.
  • Manners

    Manners was beat into me from the time I was little. My parents and elders worked hard to teach us about respecting other and addressing elders. This did not just mean people way other then us, but also ones closer to our age. I get really frustrated when I hear, “respect is earned and not given”, because it goes again everything I was taught and believe. I now take the time to address my students in the same way. The picture is of the few people who worked hard to teach me manners.
  • Texas The Greatest State, Ever!!!

    Texas The Greatest State, Ever!!!
    Being from Texas is like being from a different country. I travel with my husband. Everywhere we go someone comments on our accent. I have been on a cruise and the director commented that when asked, “Where are you from?”, people from Texas don’t answer U.S.A. They say Texas. We are expecting our first child and it is extremely important that she is born in Texas. This in the primary source of patriotism. The picture is from one of my favorite places, the Capital of Texas.
  • So, God created a Farmer.

    So, God created a Farmer.
    There are coal-miners, furniture makers, preachers, teachers, soldiers, carpenters, x-ray technicians, and farmers, in this family. The members of my family passed down the meaning of hard work and the value of an honest living. Much of my childhood involved tending a garden and helping on the family farm. Being able to experience farm life has given me a fond appreciation for agriculture and hard work. The picture is of my Uncle. He passed on valuable information and life lessons.