As it is told on my maternal mother's side of the family, sometime during the 1800s, aftetr the French Louisiana War, my Great-Great Grandfather (a French soldier) stole a Indian squaw from a reservation and fathered three little girls. One of which was my great-grandmother. They ultimately settle in in Louisiana. Which is where my Cajun/Creole roots and influence began. -
As a child, I was reared mostly by my grandparents. Particularly, my grandmother. She played a major role in my belief system. She taught me things like "respect my elders" and always say such words as "I'm sorry", "Excuse Me", "Thank you" and "Yes Ma'am/Sir". These have taken me a long way in life, but more so help me gain the respect of others both young and old. -
Back in my hometown, down in Southeast Teaxs, high school sports are a major part of life. My life was no exception. My dad started me in sports while I was still in grade school (3rd grade). It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how much of a positive impact sports had on my life. Sports taught me how be both a graceful victor as well as how to handle loss and disappointment, not to mention "team work". -
I grew up in a small Southeast Texas town called Beaumont, Tx. Beaumont is approximately is approximately from 30 miles from the Louisiana border. Many of my summers were spent in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where my grand mother's sister resided. I developed a taste spicy foods like crawfish, shrimp etouffee and gumbo. Many such foods were cooked by my family members in Texas. Being that my grandmother was born and raised in Louisiana and taught my mom many of the same recipes. -
After graduating from high school, I tried a semester of college in Alabama. Being from Texas, it was not only a long way from home for the first time, but also a culture shock. For the first time, I was on my own with no one to tell me what to do. Well, that didn't work out for me and I enlisted into the US Army, where I did found myself actually being successful. All that my parents taught me came in handy during my military career. -
Early in my military career, I got married and started a family. Becoming a father gave me a whole new outlook on life and actually gave me a sense of responsibility for more that just myself. Fortunately, me and my children have a strong bond even today. -
After my first tour in the military, I began college as an adult learner. Studying in Human Services really heightened my awareness of not only who I, but also game me a deeper appreciation of others. -
Work Relationships
Another influence in my life has is the relationships I've shared with people I work with. Me and several of my co-workers (past and recent) are still good friends and continue to support each other both with work and personal issues. -
As a child, my mother always took me and my brother to church. It just always seemed like the right thing to do and other family members were always there. Spirituality was something I carried into adulthood and have always had trust in. My spirituality has inspired me to start a spiritual-based Veteran Support group in hopes of helping either remain spiritual or reconnect with their spirituality. -
One of the greatest influences in my life have been those who have helped me along the way. Those who have mentored me in one way or another affirmed and solidified who I am today, encouraging me to be me and to continue to grow.