
Cuban Missle Crisis

  • President JFK learned of the nuclear missles in Cuba.

    President JFK learned of the nuclear missles in Cuba.
    JFK was informed of the missles in Cuba on the first of the 13 days. However, he went about his daily schedule the same except for a secret meeting he had discussing what to do about the nuclear missles in Cuba.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Untied States forces begin to mobilize.

    Untied States forces begin to mobilize.
    U.S military begins to move to bases in the southeastern United States closer to Cuba. A U-2 photo shows 16-32 nuclear missles located in Cuba.
  • Kennedy and Andrei Gromyko meet.

    Kennedy and Andrei Gromyko meet.
    The Soviet Foregin Minister and President Kennedy meet. The Soviets claim that military aid to Cuba is only defensive and Kennedy public warns the Soviets not to bring in nuclear weapons to Cuba.
  • Kennedy goes on a campaign trip.

    Kennedy goes on a campaign trip.
    JFK has a campaign trip in Ohio and Illinois that he has to attend. However, back in Washington, his advisers are still discussing what to do about the Cuban Missle Crisis.
  • Kennedy goes on a campaign trip.

    Kennedy goes on a campaign trip.
    JFK leaves the whitehouse and goes to Ohio and Illinois for a campaign trip. However, his advisors continue to discuss how to combat the Cuban Missle Crisis.
  • Plans for the deployment of a naval unit are made.

    Plans for the deployment of a naval unit are made.
    The Unites States made plans to use a naval unit around Cuba. Also, a speech is beginning to be drafted in order to inform the Amercian people about the problem in Cuba.
  • Kennedy meets with General Walter Sweeney.

    Kennedy meets with General Walter Sweeney.
    The General of the Tactical Air Command meets with Kennedy to discuss a possible aerial attack on the nuclear missles in Cuba. However, General Sweeney could not guarantee that every missle would be destroyed.
  • Former Unites States Presidents are informed.

    Former Unites States Presidents are informed.
    Kennedy tells former Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Hoover of the crisis. He also creates the Executive Committee of the National Security Council.
  • A United States naval fleet surrounds Cuba.

    A United States naval fleet surrounds Cuba.
    When the US naval fleet fleet reaches Cuba, the Soviets respond by brining in Submarines. Also, Kennedy warns Khrushchev not to send anymore ships to Cuba.
  • Khrushchev responds to Kennedy's warning.

    Khrushchev responds to Kennedy's warning.
    Khrushchev says, "You, Mr. President, are not declaring a quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your demands you will use force. Consider what you are saying!" This is taken as a threat by the United States, and it indicates the the Soviet Union is willing to go to war.
  • Some nuclear missles in Cuba become operational.

    Some nuclear missles in Cuba become operational.
    Now knowing that some Soviet missles were ready to be used, Kennedy sends another message to Khrushchev. Soviet freighters on their way to Cuba also head back to the Soviet Union.
  • Fidel Castro wants Nikita Khrushchev to launch the first strike against the US.

    Fidel Castro wants Nikita Khrushchev to launch the first strike against the US.
    The Soviets continue to build the missile sites and Castro wants Khrushchev to attack the United States. However, later Khrushchev offers to remove the missles if the US removes their naval fleet.
  • The Soviets demand the removal of missles from Turkey.

    The Soviets demand the removal of missles from Turkey.
    In addition to their demand that the US remove their naval fleet from Cuba, the Soviets also want the missiles in Turkey removed. Later that day, a US U-2 spy plane is shot down.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis ends.

    The Cuban Missile Crisis ends.
    The Soviets announce that they have accepted the deal between them and the United States. Also, Khrushchev sends a letter to confirm this.