Fidel Castro's Birth
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was in Bir
án, Cuba from Ángel Castro and Lina Ruz Gonzalez. Fidel's father was a prosperous sugarcane farmer that came from Spain during the Cuban Revolution. While married with his first wife,Fidel's father had an affair with his servant, Lina Ruz Gonzalez, and had Fidel out of wedlock. -
Fidel Castro Graduated from Law School
Castro got a doctorate Law degree from Havana University. Although Castro was interested in Law, he spent most of his time in University at political rallies and even founded his own radical political party called the Radical Orthodox Action. The party was known to be incredibly violent and called for the overthrow of the government -
Castro's Assault on Moncada barracks
Fidel Castro and his Fidelistas stormed the Moncada Barracks to gain weapons and eventually overthrow Batista's government. Unfortunately, being surprised by a special army patrol and the barracks being awake and alert that day caused it to fail. The Fidelistas were pinned behind their car and were forced to retreat. This event is significant because it was Castro's first act of rebellion against the government and would lead to the Cuban revolution -
Castro trained in Guerilla Warfare with his troops in the Sierra Mountains
Castro and his forces had went into hiding in the Sierra Maestra Mountain chain to prepare usurping the Batista Regime. Fidel trained his forces in Guerilla Warfare, taught them how to be more mobile, and expected dogmatic loyalty to him and the cause. The training was significant due to the effectiveness of his cell-based Guerilla warfare due to the training against Batista which snowballed into riots in urban areas which helped his cause -
Fidel Castro Implements policies that destroy any opposition and nationalizes the economy
Accompanying the positive reforms made by Castro were reforms that damaged the economy and suppressed any opposition. Castro banned all political parties and abolished Congress. He imprisoned anybody he suspected of speaking out against him or being against his regime and executing thousands of his foes. Castro socialized businesses and took property from companies. -
Fidel Castro swore in as Prime minister of Cuba
Castro was sworn in as prime minister of Cuba. quickly after restoring the 1940 Cuban Constitution, Fidel Castro immediately started reducing the powers of the president and increasing the powers of his own position to that of essentially a dictator which went against the constitution -
Fidel brings positive reform to Cuba
Within the 100 days Castro marched into Havana claiming victory, he passed multiple policies that bettered the lives of barren Cubans everywhere. Fidel kicked out the Mob from Cuba, closed down casinos, and cracked down on crime from cartels and other criminal actions that affected the lower class Cubans. He also raised the lowest salaries and lowered rents for Cuba's poor. To better rural areas, he sent doctors and teachers to educate and treat the people that lived there -
Cuba's Involvement in the Cold War
Fidel directly involved himself in the Cold War, a period of political and social tension between the U.S. and its western allies vs. the USSR and its eastern allies, by negotiating trade deals with the Soviet Union. Due to the U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba and how that impacted the economy, Cuba allied itself with the USSR to maintain economic stability. This made Cuba a main enemy and dangerous neighbor in the eyes of America and ruined relations for years -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis occured on October 22nd, 1962, in which USSR missiles had been found in Cuba which caused a panic to sweep nations across the world for fear of Nuclear War. Eventually the two world powers made negotiations to cede the missiles from Cuba in exchange for the U.S.A. to cede its missiles in Turkey, without the input of Fidel -
Cuban Exodus
Castro's authoritarian rule over Cuba caused the emigration of tens of thousands of Cubans who wanted to escape Castro's oppressive regime. It's estimated that 385,000 Cubans left Cuba for the U.S. between 1965-1980 via aircraft or raft boat. This mass exodus spoke volumes about the quality of life in Cuba, and raised concerns globally about Castro's regime. Many modern Cubans can trace their ancestry to an ancestor who came to America during the rule of Fidel -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
the USSR had collapsed, which sent shockwaves throughout the world. The breakup of the USSR was incredibly detrimental to the Cuban economy, as Castro had relied on the Soviet Union's purchases of sugar cane to maintain economic stability. Furthermore, Cuba received shipments of petroleum and other much-needed services and products from the USSR to support its weak economy. Other countries that had relied on the USSR as economic support were also hurt -
Fidel Castro resigns as Prime Minister due to failing health
Fidel stepped down as Prime Minister of Cuba because of his deteriorating health and a surgery for intestinal bleeding. Up to this point, Castro had ruled Cuba as a dictator for almost 50 years, and was finally stepping down. This event was significant because it raised rumors and questions about the succession of Castro and the fate of the Cuban government, and what the future diplomatic and economic outcome would be at the passing of Fidel -
Fidel Castro is announced dead at 90
The notorious dictator of Cuba was announced dead at 90 years old. The longest reigning dictator in history, his death heavily affected the world and especially the U.S.A. This death was significant because it was the end of Fidel Castro's nearly 50 year-long rule, and rose many questions about the future of the country's diplomatic, economic, and political relations.