Cuban missile crisis

  • Spy plane over Cuba

    Spy plane over Cuba
    A U-2 surveillance aircraft shows SS-4 Nuclear missiles in Cuba
  • Kennedy Discusses Options

    Kennedy Discusses Options
    Kennedy calls his committee to discus further actions
  • The Blockade

    The Blockade
    Kennedy decides that a naval blockade is the best option. This will prevent the Soviets from shipping anymore missiles to Cuba.
  • Kennedy Addresses the Public

    Kennedy Addresses the Public
    Kennedy tells the public about the naval blockade. U.S. alert is set to DEFCON 3.
  • Confrontation at the Blockade

    Confrontation at the Blockade
    Soviet ships sail up to the blockade line and are told to hold their positions
  • The U.N.

    The U.N.
    U.S. Ambassador Aldai Stevenson tries to speak with the Soviets at the U.N., but they refuse to respond. Military forces set DEFCON 2 (the highest level of defense preparedness set in U.S. history).
  • Letter From USSR

    Letter From USSR
    Khrushchev sends a letter that he will remove the missiles if America guarantees that they won't invade Cuba.
  • The Brink of War

    The Brink of War
    U.S. spy plane accidentally flies over Russia and is shot down by Soviet missiles. Khrushchev sends a second letter demanding that the U.S. remove their missiles from Turkey and Italy.
  • The Crisis is Over

    The Crisis is Over
    Khrushchev announces that he is removing the nuclear missiles in Cuba.
  • End of the Blockade

    End of the Blockade
    Kennedy terminates the Cuban naval blockade for good.