The Cold War

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  • Russian Revolution

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  • USA Enters WWII

    When Japan bombed the USA naval base of Pearl Harbour - USA entered the war
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    Expansion of Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe

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    Tehran Conference

    The Tehran Conference was a meeting between U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin in Tehran, Iran, between November 28 and December 1, 1943
  • D-Day - Britain and USA invade Europe and creates the 2nd front

    As early as 1942, Stalin wanted USA and Britain to invade western Europe.
    FDR promised a 2nd front, but it was repeatedly postponed until 1944.
    Stalin retaliated - recalling his ambassadors from London and Washington
  • Churchill lost the election

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    Yalta Conference

  • VE Day

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    Potsdam Conference

  • Hiroshima - atom bomb

  • Nagasaki - atom bomb

  • Long Telegram

    George Kennan writes tot he US Secretary of State a lengthy analysis of Soviet policy
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    War of Words

  • Churchill - Iron Curtain Speech

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Nivikov Telegram

  • Truman Speech - Truman Doctrine

  • Bizonia Formed

  • Cominform created

  • Marshall plan agreed

  • Deutchmark introduced

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    Berlin Blockade & Airlift

  • Trizonia formed

  • Comecon formed

  • NATO Formed

  • FRG Created

  • FRG Democratic Bundestag elected

  • USSR Test atom bomb

  • Adenauer elected as FRG Chancellor

  • China becomes Communist

  • GDR Formed

  • UN Troops enter Korea

  • USSR & China signs Friendship Treaty

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    "Thaw" - slight improved relations between USA & USSR

  • Stalin dies & Krushchev becomes new USSR leader

  • Stalin dies & Krushchev becomes new USSR leader

  • Warsaw Pact Signed

    Formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance, the Warsaw Pact was created on 14 May 1955, immediately after the accession of West Germany to the Alliance.
    Response to NATO
    Defensive military alliance of of Eastern European states.
    Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland were all members.
    Main decision maker - USSR
  • Hungarian Uprising

  • USSR launches Sputnik 1

  • USSR launches Sputnik 2 with Laika on board

  • NASA Formed

  • USSR launches Vostock Rocket into orbit, with Yuri Gagarin on board

  • JFK reveals missiles found in Cuba

    JFK breaks news to public and Britain that missile silos were found in Cuba
  • Kennedy orders naval blockade

    Kennedy orders naval blockade of Cuba while Khrushchev denies there are any Soviet missiles in Cuba
  • Khrushchev sends Kennedy an outraged letter letter.

    Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev sends the USA an outraged letter where he calls the naval blockade an act of aggression and says Soviet ships will attempt to sail through the blockade.
  • Soviet ships back down

    Soviet ships carrying nuclear missiles turned back before the blockade however some reached Cuba before the blockade started. Castro calls for a nuclear strike from the Soviets
  • US provide photographic evidence of missiles at UN conference

    The US provide photographic evidence of missiles at UN conference leading to a heated argument between US ambassador Adlai Stevenson and USSR ambassador Valerian Zorin.
  • Khrushchev admits missiles are in Cuba

    In a letter to JFK Khrushchev admits there are missiles in Cuba and says he will remove them if America promises not to invade Cuba
  • Khrushchev Redrafts first letter for harsher terms

    A US spy plane was shot down over Cuba, Khrushchev writes another letter demanding the removal of the US missiles in Turkey and a promise to never invade Cuba in exchange for the removal of Cuba. Kennedy agreed.
  • Kennedy privately accepts harsher terms

  • Khrushchev accepted terms ending crisis.

  • Brezhnev visits US

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    Nixon visits Moscow

  • SALT 1

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
  • Apollo-Soyuz joint Space mission

  • Helsinki agreements signed

  • USSR invaded Aghanistan

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    Soviet economy overstretched and weak

  • Reagan became President of the USA

  • Moscow Olympics boycott

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    Second cold war

  • Reagan's 'Evil empire' speech

    Speech to National Association of Evangelicals - branding the crisis as a spiritual one - a test of moral will and faith.
  • LA Olympics boycott

  • Gorbachev became leader of USSR

  • Geneva Summit

    • USA's SDI's remain
    • Speed up arms talk
    • Make world a safer place
  • Reykjavik Summit

    • USA's SDI remained
    • No compromise
  • Chernobyl disaster

  • Washington Summit

    • USSR compromised
    • INF Treaty signed
  • Gorbachev rejected the Brezhnev Doctrine

  • Period: to

    Eastern European Revolutions

  • Gorbachev's visit to the UN

    • Soviet troops limited
  • Election of first non-Communist Prime Minister of Poland since 1945 - Mazowiecki

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

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    Malta Summit - Gorbachev meets George Bush

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    Romanian Revolution ended in violence

  • Warsaw Pact Dismantled

  • Gang of Eight - coup to remove Gorbachev

  • Gobachev resigned

  • USSR Collapsed - Boris Yeltzin new president