
Cuban Missile Crisis

  • End of the Cuban Revolution

    End of the Cuban Revolution
    The end of the Cuban Revolution brings a new leader to the country. The Cubans were fearful for the future and were in need of a new leader for their new country. Fidel Castro comes into the picture and becomes the new leader of Cuba. When Castro came to power he was the Prime Minister of Cuba.
    Cuban Revolution
  • Cuba and Soviet union

    Cuba and Soviet union

    Cuba and Sovient Union
    Soviet Union and Cuba become allies. The Soviet Union began to start supporting, trusting, defending, and helping out the people in Cuba. Cuba openly aligns and agrees with Soviet Union's politics, customs, and government. The people of Cuba began to have the same communist ideas that the people of the Soviet Union did.
    Cuba and Soviet
  • America and Soviet Union

    America and Soviet Union
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    America ends all of the consular and diplomatic relation with Cuba. After being involved with Soviet Union, Cubans were being supported, defended, and helped by the people of Soviet Union.Since the United States did not support Russia and their communist ways, this ended a lot of their assoication with Cuba.
  • President Kennedy

    President Kennedy

    President Kennedy
    President Kennedy gave a big announcement to the country. He decided that he would not send the United States military to Cuba. After the war, many people did not want to fight with any more countries any more. This was important to the Americans because it showed the trust people had in President Kennedy.
  • Invasion of Bay of Pigs

    Invasion of Bay of Pigs
    Invasion of Bay of Pigs
    A few of Cuba's rebels tried to invade a place in Cuba called "Bay of Pigs" The point of the invasion was to try to start and anti-Fidel revoltuion, but the raid unsuccessful. Fidel's be army began to capture many of the people involved in the Invasion. The United States supported this movement.
  • Period: to


    In Vienna, a summit was held by President Kennedy and a cuban leader Khruschshev. This was to try and make peace with one another.Although, this could have possibly made the situation worse concerning Cuba and the Missiles.
  • Missiles

    Kenndy's Speech
    At the time, the CIA director was John McCone. President Kennedy trusted him and used his advice often to help America's safety. He found out that the Soviet Union was send missiles by boat to Cuba. A U-2 plane captured the shots from flying over Cuba.
  • Castro's speech

    Castro's speech
    Castro gave out a speech addressing the United States thoughts of a possible attack on Cuba. He said that if the Americans were to attack, then this would lead to another World War. Also Castro said that the Soviet Union defend Cuba if need be. Since no one in America wanted another World War or the Soviet Union's impression on Cuba, many people were worried and concerned. Castro
  • Senator Keating

    Senator Keating
    Senator KeatingIn a meeting of the Senate, the problem of the Missiles was one of the occurring topics because of the many different opinions that people had. One of the senators, Senator Keating, said that the only solution is to fight back and he urged President Kennedy to take action. This was a strong statement and the President was really concerned about his choice.
  • Confirmation of Missiles in Cuba

    Confirmation of Missiles in Cuba
    Another U-2 plane was sent over Cuba. It saw the Missile bases on the edge border of Cuba. This was very important because it proved that the Missiles were truly stationed in Cuba. This brought more fear to President Kennedy. He was getting ready to have to make a hard decision on whether or not to start another war.
    Conformation of Missiles
  • General Maxwell Taylor

    General Maxwell Taylor
    General Maxwell TaylorGeneral Maxwell Taylor</a>
    President Kennedy was considering striking by air, but General Maxwell Taylor decided that an air strike could not destroy all of the missiles. Which could possible lead to a nuclear war. Another flight was being sent over Cuba and saw that the missiles were being rapidly assembled by the borders.
  • USSR moves missles out Cuba

    USSR moves missles out Cuba
    Khruschchev agrees to remove their missiles out of Cuba.This was basically the endpoint of the Cuban missle crisis. Once the missles were removed it was a step to world peace. Kennedy adressed the public and said the US would not invade Cuba and will eventually remove the blockade.This was one step closer to world peace.
  • Kennedy ends the naval quarantine

    Kennedy ends the naval quarantine
    On November 20th John F. Kennedy ends naval quarantine in Cuba. This ends naval ships in Cuba, after a month, and the naval ships return to the United States. This marks the end of the Cuban Missile crisis and the relations with Cuba were damaged but are slowly patching together in time.
    Naval Quarantine