Cuban Embargo

  • Fidel Overthrew Batista

    Fidel Overthrew Batista
    Fidel Castro and his guerillas overthrew the government of Batista and took power.
  • Eisenhower Approves.

    Eisenhower Approves.
    President Eisenhower approves a plan to overthrow Castro.
  • Embargo Accepted.

    An embargo act to deny all trade with Cuba is accepted and put into action
  • JFK brodens the embargo.

    JFK brodens the embargo.
    John F. Kennedy changes the embargo from no trade to just trade of food and medicines.
  • JFK expands the embargo even more.

    John F. Kennedy expands the embargo to all goods made from or containing cuban materials.
  • No travel to cuba.

    The Kennedy administration illegalizes any travel to Cuba.
  • Questions why we trade with Russia.

    US was asked why they trade with Russia but not cuba. Russia is a "permanent" economy and Cuba is "temporary
  • Edward kennedy wants the embargo dropped.

    Edward kennedy wants the embargo dropped.
    Edward Kennedy urges US to drop the embargo because it is doing no good.
  • The OAS votes

    The OAS votes to end political and economic sanctions against cuba.
  • Ban on travel dropped.

    Ban on travel dropped.
    President Carter drops the ban on travel to cuba.
  • President carter relaxes laws.

    President Carter relaxes laws on sending money to family members in cuba.
  • Allowed to visit families.

    laws were passed where you can visit families in cuba. Over 100,000 visit in the next year.
  • President Reagan in office.

    President Reagan in office.
    President Ronald Reagan is inagurated into office.
  • Travel Ban is back in action.

    President Reagan puts the Travel ban back into action. No more spending or traviling to Cuba.
  • $80 million spent on improving Cuba's Democracy

    President George Bush spent $80 million on "Boosting Democracy in Cuba."