
Cuba In The Cold War

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Also known as the October Crisis this event was a 13 day confrontation from Cuba and the Soveit Union,.
  • Period: to

    Cuba In the Cold War

  • Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba

    Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba
    This day Fidel Castro took Cuba from Fulgentil Batista
  • Castro Tours Cuba

    Castro Tours Cuba
    Fidel Castro tours Cuba for a 1 month period
  • JFK Elected

    JFK Elected
    JFK was elected by barely beating Richard Nixon
  • Bay Of Pigs Invasion

    Bay Of Pigs Invasion
    The Latin Name for this is the Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos, this was failed attempt by the CIA sponsered paramilitary team called Brigade 2056.
  • Operation Mongoose

    Operation Mongoose
    JFK initiates Operation Mongoose to overthrow Fidel's communist regime in Cuba
  • Cuban Quarantine

    Cuban Quarantine
    The US puts a "quarantine" or embargo on Cuba when the Soveit Union points there guns at Cuba
  • Nixon Relected

    Nixon Relected
    Nixon relected after crushing George McGovern in 1972