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Cuba in the Cold War
Castro's Revolution Succeeds
Batista fled Cuba an Castro's group took control of the nation. -
Bay of pigs
The CIA backed force of 1,400 Cuban refugees at the swampy bay of pigs on Cuba's southern coast. A cuban force of 20,000 easily overhwhelemed the invaders, capturing about 1,100 men and imprisoning them. -
U.S. takes action
A poll showed that one-fifth of Americans believed World War III was coming soon. -
U.S. leaders analyze cuban intelligence
Tthe administration knew with certainty that Cuba had the missiles and the launching capacity to attack the U.S. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Americans were scared that cuba was going to launch missles at them. They also thought there was going to be WWIII. -
Plans for a coup in Cuba
Development of contingency plans for a coup in Cuba are undertaken, and revised over the summer and into fall.