
Cuba in the cold war Jeffrey Alvarado 4/10/14 S.S.2

  • Period: to

    Cuba in the cold war

  • Batistas return to power

    Batistas returns to power in 1952
  • Revolution fail

    Revolution fail
    Castro attempte to create a revolution. He later goes to jail for it.
  • Cuba taken over

    Cuba taken over
    Fidel castro takes over cuba
  • Training for Bay of Pigs

    Training for Bay of Pigs
    The CIA trained people who oppose castro for the assault.
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    The CIA back forced 1,400 cuban refugees that landed at the swampy bay of pigs. The cuban force of 20,000 captured 1,100 men from the U.S. The U.S. later had to give a ransom of $53 million in medicine and food.
  • Cuban missles found

    Cuban missles found
    The U.S had spotted the missle site with their spy planes.
  • Cuban missles

    Cuban missles
    By this day, the U.S. knew about the missles in cuba. These missles were to be used to attcak the U.S
  • Cuba to not be attacked

    Cuba to not be attacked
    On this day, the U.S promised not to attack cuba