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Cuba in the Cold War: Guadalupe 4/9/13 SS-3

By Lulu_
  • Period: to

    Cuba in the Cold War: Guadalupe 4/9/13 SS-3

  • War ended!

    War ended!
    In 1950, the war of South Korea & North Korea ended with a cease fire.
  • Taking over gov.

    Taking over gov.
    Gneral Fulgencio Batista took over Cuban governent in a coup
  • Castro took control

    Castro took control
    Batista fled Cuba, & Castro's group took control of the nation.
  • 2nd term

    2nd term
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 2nd term was ending, Cold War continued.
  • Election

    People had to choose a new leader to help the country navigate throught the growing tensions b/t the US and the Soviet Union
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    A force of 1,500 cuban exiles invaded the bay of pigs, to overthrow the revoluntionary gov. of Castro(planned by the US).But Castro's fprces captured/imprisoned 1,100 of those cuban exiles, Castro finally agreed to let the exiles free in exchange of 50 million dollars in food & medicine.
  • US takes action!

    US takes action!
    A poll showed that 1/5 of americans beleeived that WWII was coming soon.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was cause b/c of the bay of pigs. It had left the US in embrassment, so the US gov. kept watching Cuba closely. They than used they're top secret U-2 spy plans to illegally fly over and photograph the island.