U.s. and cuba

Cuba In the Cold War By: Adrian Diaz

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    Cuba In the Cold War

  • Fidel Castro and Cuba

    Fidel Castro and Cuba
    Castro’s first revolution attempt, in the summer of 1953, failed, and he was put in jail.
  • Castro’s Revolution Succeeds

    Castro’s Revolution Succeeds
    Castro returned to Cuba, in December 1956, in an invasion that they hoped would lead to a swift victory.
  • Castro’s Revolution Succeeds

    Castro’s Revolution Succeeds
    On January 1, 1959, Batista fled Cuba, and Castro’s group took control of the nation.
  • Making the Decision

    Making the Decision
    Beginning in March 1960, the CIA trained people who opposed Castro for the assault.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    A Cuban force of 20,000 easily overwhelmed the invaders, capturing about 1,100 men and imprisoning them.
  • The United States Takes Action

    The United States Takes Action
    On October 23, 1961, a poll showed that one-fifth of Americans believed World War III was coming soon.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    By October 15, 1962, the administration knew with certainty that Cuba had the missiles and the launching capacity to attack the United States.
  • The United States Takes Action

    The United States Takes Action
    On October 22, President Kennedy issued a formal demand to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev that the missiles be removed from Cuba.