Cuba in The Cold War

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Castro takes control

    Castro takes control
    Castro takes control of Cuba after the Cuban Revolution.
  • Kennedy Elected

    Kennedy Elected
    JFK was elected and faced an amount of concerns with the Cold War.
  • Invasion on Cuba. (Bay of Pigs)

    Invasion on Cuba. (Bay of Pigs)
    This is the very first invasion on Cuba by the CIA. With a army of 1,400 US American Soldiers.
  • Bay of Pigs Counter Attack

    Bay of Pigs Counter Attack
    Castro, the Dictator of Cuba ordered over 20,000 troops to be sent to beaches to defend against the Americans.
  • Russians bring back-up

    Russians bring back-up
    The US decided to set up a blockade to stop Russian shipments heading to Cuba.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    U-2 Spy plane spots and takes pictures of the missle sites.
  • shipments from Russia to Cuba

    shipments from Russia to Cuba
    Intelligence was confirmed that Russia was sending nuclear weapons to Cuba.
  • Missile Crisis is Resolved

    Kennedy and Russia's president have a secret agreement to withdraw their atomic weapons.