
  • Oct 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands at Bariay, Holguin Province in east Cuba

    Christopher Columbus lands at Bariay, Holguin Province in east Cuba
    Without Christopher Columbus Cuba wouldn't have been founded. Nor would it be the country it is today. However, when he landed on Cuba he originally thouught it was India.
  • Jan 1, 1523

    Sugar was grown in Cuba for the first time

    Sugar was grown in Cuba for the first time
    During the Cuban Revelution, sugar was a major crop. Near the end of the Revelution sugar cane wasn't selling as much, decreasing Cuba's profits.
  • Mar 4, 1527

    First African slaves arrive in Cuba

    First African slaves arrive in Cuba
    This was important because African slaves were sent to work on plantations, such as tobacco plantations, since it was Cuba's main product.
  • Mar 18, 1532

    First slave rebellion is crashed

    First slave rebellion is crashed
    It brought slaves, expertise in sugar refining, and coffee growing into eastern Cuba in the 1790s and early 19th century.
  • Cuba revolted for independence against Spain

    Cuba revolted for independence against Spain
    This is important because soon after Cuba became it's own country and was no longer under Spain's control.
  • Slavery was abolished

    Slavery was abolished
    On this day the Soanish royal decree put an end to slavery, making every human equal.
  • The Cuban War of Independence began

    The Cuban War of Independence began
    The Cuban War of Independence was fought against Spain, but later the United States joined forces with Cuba, called the Spanish-American War, To gain Cuba independence from Spain.
  • Treaty of Peace is established

    Treaty of Peace is established
    This is important because the Treaty of Peace brought independence to Cuba by ending the Spanish-American War.
  • Cuba becomes independent but the Platt Amendment keeps Cuba under U.S. protection which retains the right to intervene in internal affairs of Cuba Tomas Estrada Palma elected president

    Cuba becomes independent but the Platt Amendment keeps Cuba under U.S. protection  which retains the right to intervene in internal affairs of Cuba Tomas Estrada Palma elected president
    This is important because the United States provided cuba with protection from Spain.
  • Socialist party founded, forming the basis of communist party.

    Socialist party founded, forming the basis of communist party.
    This is important because by the Sociaalist party being found, it led to the beginning of the communist party.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    The Cuban Revelution was important because it was Fidel Castro's fight against the Cuban governement run by Batista.
  • Castro beomes prime minister

    Castro beomes prime minister
    During this time Castro became the ruler of Cuba, since his army csused Batista to flee.
  • Cuba openly aligns itself to the Soviet Union and their communist policies. A Cuban Communist State was set up with Russian backing. Fidel Castro allows the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on the Island.

    Cuba openly aligns itself to the Soviet Union and their communist policies. A Cuban Communist State was set up with Russian backing. Fidel Castro allows the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on the Island.
    When Cuba became a communist state they allowed the USSR to store missiles in their country.
  • US.Operation Peter Pan

    US.Operation Peter Pan
    This was important because Cuban parents sent their children to America to protect them from Cuba's goverenment.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion.

    Bay of Pigs invasion.
    This was important because the United States tried to invade Cuba through a group called Brigade 2506, to overthrow their government.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis begins.

    Cuban Missile Crisis begins.
    Brought tension beteen the soviet Union and America because of a nuclear conflict. The tension escalated after the Bay of Pigs invasion.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis ignites when, fearing a US invasion, Castro allows the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on the island.

    Cuban Missile Crisis ignites when, fearing a US invasion, Castro allows the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on the island.
    The importance of this event is that Cuba officially got involved in the Cold War.
  • Cuban Missile crisis ends.

    Cuban Missile crisis ends.
    This is important because Nikita Khrushchev, Russia's president, called off all missiles directed towards Cuba.
  • Cuba becomes a member of the Soviet based council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

    Cuba becomes a member of the Soviet based council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
    This economic organization was created by the Soviet Union in response to the establishment of the Organization for European Economic Co-Operation. The organization comprised of the socialist states around the world along with the Eastern Bloc.
  • Cuba officially has the largest armed forces in Latin America.

    Cuba officially has the largest armed forces in Latin America.
    A large military will discourage other countries from starting anything with Cuba.
  • The Soviet Union is dissolved

    The Soviet Union is dissolved
    This is important because since the Soviet Union dissolved it caused Cuba's economy to crumble. Since Cuba could no longer trade with the Soviet Union it caused the sugar prices to decline.
  • Cuba signs an agreement with the US

    Cuba signs an agreement with the US
    This is important because every year the United States allowed 20,000 Cubans to enter thier country, as long as Cuba would stop their citizens from coming here illegally.
  • Shootdown of Brothers to the Rescue aircraft

    Shootdown of Brothers to the Rescue aircraft
    This is important because leader José Basulto released propaganda about Cuba. Then shot down the Brothers to the Rescue aircrafts. The Cuban Air Force claimed that the planes they shot down were U.S. Air Force planes.
  • The Helms-Burton Act is passed

    The Helms-Burton Act is passed
    The purpose of the act was to embargo companies that have economic relations with Cuba.
  • Fidel Castro resigned as president of Cuba.

    Fidel Castro resigned as president of Cuba.
    This is important because Fidel Castro stepped down as president after 50 years, but then gave all his power to his Brother.