
  • Dec 14, 1492

    Cuba was inhabited

    Cuba was inhabited
    Cuba was inhabited by three indienous groups. The largest was Taino.
  • Cuba in Spanish hands

    Cuba in Spanish hands
    Havana fell into Britishs for short time and returned back to spain.Cuba had African slaves who were brought to work. Also Cuba remined in spanish hands.
  • Gain of independence

    Gain of independence
    Cuba was to gain its independence until the end of U.S occupation. The spain's treatment of Cuba led to the 1898 of Spanish-American war.
  • National Hero

    National Hero
    Another second war of independance was led by Jose Marti But he also was daed after the struggle.
  • Invesment

    The U.S canceled the amendment reciving a 99 year lease on Guantanam. But the invesment of U.S was curcial to the cuban economy.
  • 1952 corruption and turmoil

    1952 corruption and turmoil
    Batista Led a military coup that who established a dictarshp that led to increase corruption.