
CTMS Technology Journey 2017-2018

  • 1-1 technology to TUSD

    1-1 technology to TUSD
    If approved, Measure S will generate about $135 million through 30 years, officials say. The funds would be used to upgrade wireless infrastructure, buy new technological materials and upgrade science, technology, and engineering and math programs. (OC Register, 2012)
    OC Register
  • Robotics Team Expanded

    Robotics Team Expanded
  • Project Based Learning Conference

    Project Based Learning Conference
    The decision was made invest in Project Based Learning training with our Magnet Team of teachers. This training was to support our focus on differentiating our magnet program from other magnet/schools out in our district as well as from the Honors program on campus. The Magnet teachers really have begun to explore Project Based Learning within their classrooms and have embraced the vulnerability that it takes to try these new educational trends.
  • Digital Learning Coach --> Connect Coach

    The Tustin Unified School District has been utilitizing district wide technology coaches to support teachers in their technology needs. This support has been very successful with teachers, and the coaches roles have now evolved to support all teaching in the classroom, and not just technology use.
  • Genius Hour Class with Academic Seminar

    Genius Hour Class with Academic Seminar
    Academic Seminar is a Tier 2 academic intervention class on campus. It is a support class, as well as a motivational class, for those non intentional learners. The Genius Hour was created in that class to excite and energize those students with a personalized learning opportunity within the school day. A student in one class was going to research and take a part an old tv and then prepare a digital presentation of his findings to the class.
  • Makerspace Plans with "Most Wanting" students

    Makerspace Plans with "Most Wanting" students
    Our EL and Connect Coaches are working with our students designated as most wanting of positive adult attention to research all the necessary aspects of creating a Makerspace on campus.
  • Title 1 Funds approved for Makerspace

    Title 1 Funds approved for Makerspace
    After several approved grants, the Makerspace creators were pleased to have a $1500 budget to begin purchasing supplies to go in their newly created space. But, as a surprise, they were allotted a significant increase to that budget from some un-utilized funds from the Title 1 budget. Students are excited with their new funding and are eagerly searching for new and more advanced supplies for their Makerspace.
  • PBL focus with Magnet classes

    PBL focus with Magnet classes
    As we begin the second semester, the Magnet teachers are really utilizing the training they received over the summer to finish the school year with a culminating Project Based Learning experience for all students. As the comfort continues with PBL schoolwide, these experiences have trickled over even to the music classes, which have students researching different decades and building their spring concert program off the different songs/history they discovered.