CSI Forensics TImeline

  • 400

    Who gets to say who's dead?

    Who gets to say who's dead?
    In 400, a king appointed several medical experts to examining bodies, making them the only ones that were allowed to say that someone died. This meant that there were less people being burried alive, and more people veing accused of murder.
  • 600

    Finger prints are first used

    Finger prints are first used
    In a market, a theif was identified off of his finger prints. They identified him by just examining his finger prints, which might not have been super reliable, but they first had the idea to use finger prints then.
  • 1248

    Book on forensics was publsihed

    Book on forensics was publsihed
    The first book on the science of foresnsics was published in China, but it was spread quickly. It was a widly though of thing, but this was the first that was avalible for others to read and learn from.
  • Should we report this?

    Should we report this?
    This was the first time that people started to think that they should report bodies and people that died.
  • This looks suspicious

    This looks suspicious
    This was the first time that physical evidence was used against someone to identify them as a murderer.
  • Is it posion?

    Is it posion?
    This was the first time that people started to investigate bodies for poison to see if that was their cause of death.
  • Shoes, clothing, and gloves

    Shoes, clothing, and gloves
    More clothing was used to identify murderers, specifically shoes.
  • It's elementary- I mean chemistry

    It's elementary- I mean chemistry
    Chemistry was starting to be used to fins our what the cause of death was and even on occasion who the murder was.
  • Take a photo, it will last longer

    Take a photo, it will last longer
    Photography was now beiong used to identify how, when, where, and who in murders.
  • Finger prints are all different

    Finger prints are all different
    Doctors and scientists find out that finger prints are all different, and that they are great if you can find them in crime scenes. These will now be used more often.
  • That was a sudden, violent, and unnatural death

    That was a sudden, violent, and unnatural death
    Sudden, violent, and unnatural deaths are now all identifyable by cornors. Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle writes the first Sherlock novel.
  • Finger prints, they do everything

    Finger prints, they do everything
    Now finger prints are in a system, and if one is found at the crime scene, they are able to match it to its owner.
  • Finger prints are used a lot

    Finger prints are used a lot
    Countries all over the world have started to pick up on the finger print using, and the scanning system, and is a primary thing they look for in investigations.
  • Stop shedding

    Stop shedding
    Hair is now used to identify who was at the scene of the crime. DNA is starting to be a big thing in crime scenes.
  • That's not my gun!

    That's not my gun!
    There are many different kinds of guns now, which are being used to better identify murderers. What bullet comes from what gun, what gun can take what bullets, and who has what gun are all common questions.
  • We have a lab now

    We have a lab now
    The first crime lab in the state is set up so that people that specialize in this division can have their own space, tools, facilities, and utilites.
  • I know you're lying

    I know you're lying
    The first polygraph test is made as an actual model for a police unit, but will soon catch on in other places as commonly used tool.
  • FBI wants a lab too

    FBI wants a lab too
    The FBI gets their own crime lab and starts to take on more cases because of how much it has opened up.
  • But I heard you

    But I heard you
    Voice and audio recordings are now able to be used against someone in a case, and start to be used more commonly.
  • World Wide Criminal Web

    World Wide Criminal Web
    FBI create a national crime center, where you can find or look up wanted people, evidence, murders, deaths, disappearences, and even more.
  • Even more finger prints

    Even more finger prints
    Finger prints continue to advance as things start to require a finger print to unlock.